Is this a feature of iTunes?

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Here is the story:

Had 2 playlists named 'Music' and 'videos' in itunes in which i put stuff that i want to sync to the nano.

Yesterday, I formatted the HDD and reinstalled Vista on it.

When i connected my ipod, the two playlists (and the podcast subscriptions I had) are all there in the new iTunes installation!

If its a feature then :hap2: to apple :clap:
I believe that iTunes simply imported its settings from Nano when you have connected, or most prbably the Application Settings folder remained intact. Did you install it in any other partition than your OS?
Ok, just while formatting the partition, i backed up the 'podcast' directory and put it into the windows 'music' folder in another partition. So, when i imported tracks off that folder, it should have lifted the podcast info from. But there was no other file except the .mp3s in the podcast directory.

Also, I did not put the installation folder anywhere else.
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