h4x0R said:
If Today's Prediction for you is "Danger from Vehicle"
Than you should be more carefully about Vehicle on that day, but it didn't mean that you will Prefer to sit inside the house.
Astrology calculation was base on Math's and Position of Moon, sun etc. and for e.g. if your name is STICK than you will look for prediction for word "S" as Indian astrology predict with first Letter of your Name, but at same time you can not forget the fact that in Whole world there is lot of Living being whose name start by Letter "S".
Your dog with "Sweety", santa, satnam, satinder,sachin, sania etc etc.
Last time when I come to across a article they said that there is minimum 2,50,000 living creature on earth whose name start with one Letter of Alphabet.
So the prediction will go fully on 1 person or by partly.
In Last believe on Astrology or Not but Never Loss Confidence on Your Self.:hap2: