...if you have not heard of LulzSec then you really ought to read up a bit...its the same "LulzSec": Sony, Nintendo, CNN, FBI, CIA all hacked in a month...
Latest of his are 62,000 email and pass combos passed around the could be even YOU ...
There's a passwordless searchable list here:
lulzsec cleartext passwords
For the list with passwords you can check his twitter page....
their/his homepage: Lulz Security® (LulzSec), the world's leaders in high-quality entertainment at your expense
More on him/them:
Latest of his are 62,000 email and pass combos passed around the could be even YOU ...
There's a passwordless searchable list here:
lulzsec cleartext passwords
For the list with passwords you can check his twitter page....
their/his homepage: Lulz Security® (LulzSec), the world's leaders in high-quality entertainment at your expense
More on him/them:
In May 2011, members of Lulz Security hacked into the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) website. They stole user data and posted a fake story on the site which claimed that Tupac Shakur was still alive and living in New Zealand....
In June 2011, members of the group claimed responsibility for an attack against Sony and took data that included "names, passwords, e-mail addresses, home addresses and dates of birth for thousands of people."[16] The group claimed that it used a SQL injection attack,[17] and was motivated by Sony's legal action against George Hotz for jailbreaking into the PlayStation 3
On June 8 2011, LulzSec hacked into the website of Black & Berg Cybersecurity Consulting, a small network security company, ........"DONE, THAT WAS EASY. KEEP THE MONEY, WE DO IT FOR THE LULZ".
On June 9, LulzSec sent an email to the administrators of the British National Health Service, informing them of a security vulnerability discovered in NHS systems.
On June 11, reports emerged that LulzSec reportedly hacked into and stole user information from the pornography website ********** obtained around 26,000 e-mail addresses and passwords.....
LulzSec hacked into the Bethesda Game Studios network and posted information taken from the network onto the Internet, though they refrained from publishing 200,000 compromised accounts.
On June 13, LulzSec released the e-mails and passwords of a number of users of, the website of the United States Senate.[34] The information released also included the root directory of parts of the website.
On June 14, LulzSec took down four websites by request of fans as part of their "Titanic Take-down Tuesday". These websites were Minecraft, League of Legends, The Escapist, and IT security company FinFisher.
On June 15, LulzSec took down the main server of S2 Games' Heroes of Newerth. This came by request on the phone. They updated their twitter profile to this: Heroes of Newerth master login server is down.
On June 15, LulzSec launched an attack on, the public website of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, taking the website offline.
Lulz Security® (LulzSec), the world's leaders in high-quality entertainment at your expense
Laughing at security since 2011