ISO file problem

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I have got some iso files in my pc. They r in broken form i.e. one iso file is broken in 5-6 parts. Now i want to join it and make a cd of the same or want to see what is in that iso file.

Q.1. What is the way to join iso files (currently it is showing me as rar files)
Q.2. How can i know what is stored in that iso file?
Q.3. Can i write the iso files on my hdd rather than on a cd?

MagicISO, Power ISO are the sw for you.

Q.1. What is the way to join iso files (currently it is showing me as rar files)

A> Copy all ISO on HDD and open it with MagicISO/Power ISO copy the contents to a separate folder do same for ISO. You can use the content of folder to make a new ISO and burn it on a CD/DVD
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