ISP for TF2 in Andheri Four Bunglows area?


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Super Mod
Looking to finally get a broadband connection after living off a GPRS unlimited :p

My primary concern is latency as I would be playing TF2. Bought orange box way back in november for this, even played for a few hours on gprs :lol:

I dont want a data limited connection as that is a money trap. Time limited is ok with me though lower on preference. Speed is of no concern, as long as it is over 15KBps.

So suggest me which ISP to go for in the Andheri Four Bunglows area.

PS: Mushky would be most disappointed :p
4 bungalows. :p

Call Tata, Airtel and Reliance and check who offers services in your area and will provide you with a broadband connection.
Sometimes it so happens that they have services just across the street but not to your building. :S

I would have said check with MTNL too but MTNL's profound love for me is widely known. :p
But one can never say for sure until some triband user from that area reports his experience. :)
I stay in Versova and am really happy with Reliance Broadnet. I use it only for torrents and its great for that. Let me know how you measure latency and I'll check it out for you.
I dont live in bombay , but IIRC , i read somewhere that Exatt has good ping times so should be good for gaming
I suppose there is cable net provided by 7 Star network. My cousin brother just got a 256Kbps unlimited line for Rs. 560 per month scheme. Says the speeds are pretty consistent. Not sure about the latency timings though. BTW he stays in Lokhandwala area.
lide said:
I stay in Versova and am really happy with Reliance Broadnet. I use it only for torrents and its great for that. Let me know how you measure latency and I'll check it out for you.

I guess one needs to install the game to check the servers. Unless one pings the server. Will tell you how and which server to ping (after I ask around for IPs) :)

manu1991 said:
I dont live in bombay , but IIRC , i read somewhere that Exatt has good ping times so should be good for gaming

Hmmm.. dont want to rely on hearsay, thats why was hoping if someone around here is actually playing the damn game.

forum67 said:
i live near 4 bunglow too..I have hathway....very good service in my place.
Will catch you as well for pinging the servers :p

SharekhaN said:
tata is the safest when it comes to pings to popular server from mumbai.
If all tests fail, will go the trusted route.

Ethan_Hunt said:
I suppose there is cable net provided by 7 Star network. My cousin brother just got a 256Kbps unlimited line for Rs. 560 per month scheme. Says the speeds are pretty consistent. Not sure about the latency timings though. BTW he stays in Lokhandwala area.

I am very very afraid of the cable net providers. The service levels and quality are going to be a huge concern, forget about customer service.

Anyway lemme compile a list of providers as Bikey said.

Suggest the most common TF2 servers if you can guys. Will ask the folks to ping it. Unless they have restricted ICMP :(
TATA via cable guy would give u best speeds. I get 2mpbs consistent in Lokhandwala. Its a 180 hr pack, with a night unltd topup, and goes great for online gaming.
My bro in mumbai has 5net connection, he gets good speed, plus local hubs for leeching..You wont believe how much he leeches off the hubs, his monthly usage of the internet hardly crosses 1gb, wen infact he's downloading all the time..
Renegade said:
I guess one needs to install the game to check the servers. Unless one pings the server. Will tell you how and which server to ping (after I ask around for IPs) :)
Hmmm.. dont want to rely on hearsay, thats why was hoping if someone around here is actually playing the damn game.

Will catch you as well for pinging the servers :p

If all tests fail, will go the trusted route.
I am very very afraid of the cable net providers. The service levels and quality are going to be a huge concern, forget about customer service.

Anyway lemme compile a list of providers as Bikey said.

Suggest the most common TF2 servers if you can guys. Will ask the folks to ping it. Unless they have restricted ICMP :(

In command prompt:
For starhub(singapore) servers:

For Multiplay (UK) servers, ping these IPs to check latencies:
Multiplay Team Fortress 2
yeah renu u can ping the ips directly, no need to install the game

check with TATA, Airtel, Exatt, MTNL in that order, if none is available then let me know what IS available :p

try and steer clear of cable fellows
stalker said:
MTNL here in Bandra..
get 100 to sub 100 pings on all Sg servers :D
MTNL rocks for some and some have rocks for MTNL. :p
But you are in Bandra and me in 'Black-Meesa East' and technical glitches in 'Black-Meesa East' is world famous. :rofl:
True for others too- depends from area to area.
What is great for someone in some area maybe someone else's nightmare somewhere else. :S
Good thing about Tata NU is that it's 10pm-6am or 10pm-8am iirc.
The post 10pm part is great.
MTNL NU connection, even if good, kicks in at 12pm (12-8).
The whole of India has just wrapped up fragging or racing against each other by that time usually. :mad:

The full unltd MTNL 256K connection for 999/- is a big rip off imho for 22-25Kbps dwnld speeds.
Only 600/- for Delhi. :no:

And people can setup stuff for donnloads at ease at 10pm.
Sometimes it's a big pain to stay awake till 12pm to sched/start dwnlds after a very tiring day. :p
The cable guy in this area is Seven Star which is now owned by TATA Indicom, so they have the best service available (At least in my general direction), single outage in last 3 years, due to a wire cut, no issues during rains etc...
Good thing about Tata NU is that it's 10pm-6am or 10pm-8am iirc.

The post 10pm part is great.

MTNL connection, even if good, kicks in at 12pm (12-8).

The whole of India has just wrapped up fragging or racing against each other by that time usually. :mad:

And people can setup stuff for donnloads at ease at 10pm.

Sometimes it's a big pain to stay awake till 12pm to sched/start dwnlds after a very tiring day. :p
True I would not game beyond 12:30 or so. And setting up downloads is a pain after a long day.
It is 10 PM to 8 AM which is the best time for a big leech, and consistent ul & dl speeds which are a joy in this country :D
Go for 7star without ny doubt as they wil never cap ur speed no matter how much u download n one of my frnd is using d same frm past 6 mnths n u know wat he is using 128kbps 4 650/mnth but d actual line speed is bout 400kbps when we do speedtest n he get down spd of 40-50kbps n they hav given him conntion by using pppoe where he nds to dial. Nd one more thng there is no router dere wil be a direct lan wire cuming to ur pc. Hope dis helps.