ISRO: Ready for Lift-Off

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Hi all,
Came across this article . A brief extract :-

With the launch of the INSAT-4C satellite later this month, India seems to be poised to enter the super-space club. Technology-wise the launch of the INSAT-4C is in itself a milestone for the Indian Space Research Organization, since it is the first of its kind, heavy weight, 2.2 ton, communication satellite that is being launched by the organization.

ISRO has also revealed that they have, meanwhile, been working on some pretty high-tech stuff, such as an entire cryogenic stage for future launch vehicles (such as the GLSV MKIII) which will enable them to launch satellites weighing above 4 tons and possibly a manned space shuttle.

Furthermore, in the true spirit of Indian entrepreneurship, our space scientists are racking their brains trying to reduce the cost of launching satellites. If things go well then the cost could reduce from $25,000 per kg at the present to about $2500 per kg. All of which means that many more satellites can be launched at a much cheaper rate thereby increasing the reach and effectiveness of satellite communication as a whole.
one good thing that has been consistently happening in india is the space research programme... kudoos to them!!! :D

did read this in the papers i think.... great news!
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