Security Software Issue with KIS and winxp sp3

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Hi guys, i have been using this combination for an year now and don't understand reason for weird behavior of system while using internet.

Whenever i try downloading for file hosting servers like RS, hotfile or different ones download stops in midway after some definite amount of download say 3.6 MB extra. It had become practically impossible to download from these locations :@ and shifted to torrent which gives less headache (though it gives less than optimum speed, at least i dont have to keep watching downloading is active or stopped in the middle. :(

Similar problem is observed even while streaming content from sites like youtube etc. After a small duration caching stops no matter what i do, even refreshing page doesnt work (video caching starts again from the beginning and stops at the same location). :S

Same combination (identical windows installation with disk imaging solution and KIS) is used by my bro on a laptop too and he was facing problem uploading photos to picasa.
I used to think it was problem with dataone but recently tried downloading/ streaming through fresh windows installation in virtual machine and speed i got was superb. So disabled KIS in parent system and tried downloading and that too worked fine. Also picasa worked fine on laptop with KIS disabled. :hap2:

Has anyone of you faced such problem with this combination? KIS 2009 and XP SP3 with (windows firewall disabled)?

And any help to solve this problem would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Bang on...I have the same exact issues...

I use KIS 2010, Windows XP SP3, And IDM for downloading from RS...I was totally clueless for a month as to whether the problem was with my broadband or the LAN card for which i changed it too. Then i jumped on the Windows 7 bandwagon and behold, the same problem comes once in a while...

Then as u reported, while streaming videos from Youtube and other sites, it doesnt buffer and instead shows the video only when it is fully buffered and completed. When it wasn't buffering i simply tried disabling KIS and it worked ! !
Shailesh, if u or anyone else not having problem can export or share settings in someway we can try it on our side. And which OS and with service packs are u using?

vinod, thanks for posting man.. so there is indeed something wrong with our settings (i am on default ones btw)
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