I'm from PA. I don't have a job, unless you count being a student.
My computer is nothing to write home about. Really.
HP Pavilion a305w
-Celeron Processor
-40GB internal storage, 100GB external
-512 MB RAM
-GForce 4 MX440 graphics card (I upgraded, it came with the basic Intel graphics)
-15" monitor, but its not even flat screen.
My laptop is a Compaq Presario V2000
-AMD Mobile Sepron (I prefer AMD to Intel. duh)
-ATI Radeon Xpress 200 graphics card
-512 MB RAM, shared with the video card
-60GB Storage
-14" screen
I like my laptop alot. I don't connect to the web with it however. I prefer using my Desktop PC for that.
I prefer Windows, but all those crazy Mac commercials they run now on TV are having me thinking about a Mac. I dunno.
Yeah. That's pretty much it. Like I said, I'm a regular at the SuperHero Hype boards. I'm a huge Spidey fan. And love Marvel Comics.