CPU/Mobo Japan reclaims fastest Supercomputer crown !

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A Japanese computer has taken first place on the Top 500 supercomputer list, ending China's reign at the top after just six months. At 8.16 petaflops (quadrillion floating-point calculations per second), the K computer is more powerful than the next five systems combined.

The K computer's performance was measured using 68,544 SPARC64 VIIIfx CPUs each with eight cores, for a total of 548,352 cores, almost twice as many as any other system on the Top500 list. The computer is still under construction, and when it enters service in November 2012 will have more than 80,000 SPARC64 VIIIfx CPUs according to its manufacturer, Fujitsu.

Unlike other recent supercomputers, the K computer doesn't use graphics processors or other accelerators. It uses the most power, but is also one of the most energy-efficient systems on the list, according to Top500.org.

Source : Japan takes back first place on Top 500 supercomputer list - Computerworld

Amazing feat, considering the recent tragedy that hit Japan.
^^ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... good one, I think it'll with ease and throw Battlefield 3 into that as well.
Super! Hackers should not get hold of this or else there're more bad news for Sony in 2012, given the world doesn't get destructed earlier :P
May be it'll be on my desktop in the year 2050 or may be sooner.And will be playing Crysis 2050 ver.Imagine the computing power it's got.What's the use of it,counting stars? :P
Looking at the size of the transistors,as they are getting half the size every two years,it may be very possible that super computer be someday our desktops.But the only trouble might be the power consumption,may be some other technology is knocking at the door.
^ The usual research and simulation.

The state-funded 112-billion-yen project is expected to produce a system useful for a wide range of real world applications, including weather forecasting and drug development.

At a June 20 joint news conference by RIKEN and Fujitsu, Kimihiko Hirao, head of the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, said the K supercomputer can be used to mitigate disaster damage by running simulations of earthquake-caused tsunami. "It will play an important role in areas of applications where Japan has competitiveness," he added.

Source : asahi.com¡ÊÄ«Æü¿·Ê¹¼Ò¡Ë¡§Japan back on top in supercomputer race - English

K Computer's developers say the machine will be powerful enough to tackle complex calculations relating to climate research and disaster prevention.

"Use of the K computer is expected to have a groundbreaking impact in fields ranging from global climate research, meteorology, disaster prevention, and medicine, thereby contributing to the creation of a prosperous and secure society," the statement added.

Source : Japanese supercomputer becomes world's fastest - Yahoo! News
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