Jet Li Vs Jackie Chan??

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Yesterday night was watching claws of steel on star movies stupid movie :P
it got me wondering if jet li and jackie chan faught who would win & why?
wht do u think guys???

I think jet li can easily kick jackie chans ass. I mean the guys a martial arts genius been training since he was a kid and has also won consequtive awards..
Wht do u think???
I knew this was coming one day from you.

You would be quite happy with the result being a Jey li Fan

Anyway... Jet Li is a fighter, while Jackie Chan is more of an entertainer.

You can way his movies for his comic timings (He can act to some instant) while Jet Li cant (Mez think)
I havent seen any full movies of Jet Li. I have seen a few scenes when his movies come on HBO/Star Movies. But I still prfer Jackie Chan coz I like his comic timing (Rush Hours).... I know that is juts 2 movies, but I still like him...

And the fact that he is 50+ and is so frigging fit!!
Most of Jet lee stuffs are speial effects using wire etc.
but in his time ,jackie chan did all his stunts w/o any special effect .. his works are pure mrtial art with a touch of humour ..
his movies like Drunken Master ,Snake Fist-Cat's Paw etc are only about martial arts ... dont remeber the names but most of his better movies are not in english ..
not to forget spiritual kung fu, legend of drunken master etc. still have all the movies dvdrip. hehe. he owns all.

& good point made bout special effects, shows that jet li is a even bigger noob.
Jet Li is way faster and more skilled. Chan would probably get his ass kicked if it weren't for the environment he uses.

If its a ring match, Jet Li is speedblitzing Jackie Chan. Chan it totaly outclassed without spoons and chairs to help him out in front of Jet Li.
satanofgamers said:
it got me wondering if jet li and jackie chan faught who would win & why?



Who would win if:

Emperor fought with Sauron
Yoda fought with Gandalf
Arnold Schwarzenegger fought with Sylvester Stallone
King Kong fought with Godzilla
James Bond fought with Ethan Hunt...

no way!
jackie chan is more of a actor than martial artist
anyways this debate is useless cuz bruce lee ownz all :D
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