CPU/Mobo Jetway M2A692-GDG TV-output??

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All right, here's the deal. I need to figure out the pinout of the TV-out header on my Jetway board.

Anyone have a clue? The bracket isn't available AFAIK (though I wouldn't mind propping up the cash for it if someone told me where I could get one), so I'm thinking of hacking up a connector for it or directly soldering to the board.

Anyone know what pins are what? It looks like a component video output with three symmetrical RLC networks, but I'll be dammed if I'm going to solder RCA jacks on there without *some* clue of what I'm doing.

Anybody done video system hardware design?
I would recommend using the front Speaker connectors, use the internal connectors to connect to the GND & Video Signal on the mobo. [later u can use any 3.5mm to RCA cable for viewing it on TV...........]

Sorry couldn't find the Pin out as it is a 9 pin header, so i think it also has component out in it. But u can stick one wire in the GND which will be easier to find & check the rest 8 pins while the pc is on and u have connect it to your TV as well........
:) Thanks man for trying. Maybe I shoulda specified. The header is 7 pins (6+1) on an 8-pin pitch header, so neither of those will do actually.
sangram said:
:) Thanks man for trying. Maybe I shoulda specified. The header is 7 pins (6+1) on an 8-pin pitch header, so neither of those will do actually.

Are u sure as the manual says its a 9 pin header.........

TV-OUT is the 9-pin block pin-header..TV-out is
commonly used to label the connector of equipment offering
an analog video signal that is acceptable for a television AV

Also a pic of the mobo shows it as a 9 pin header.........
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@andrew, that comment was not for you but greenhorn, who helpfully found that link for me. You and me posted @exactly the same time :) And you're right, it IS a 9-pin header. A USB connector woulda fitted except the offset pin location is different from the USB. Let's see. It is definitely component out, as the output circuitry is symmetrical. I just don't know where to start hacking though, and I've not dabbled in video for a long time.

Lord Nemesis: That's a most helpful link - if not exactly what I was looking for. My board is not exactly that connector, but I think I can start hacking it. There is some circuit logic in the Gigabyte board to follow. I think the TS on that thread is checking if he can use the Gigabyte breakout cable on the Jetway board, and has been answered in the negative (frustration is evident).

At worst I'll blow up the analog section of the 690G, which is not a really big issue.
It WORKED!!!!!

I'll fix this up good and report back - pin 1 and 2 are composite out. Just need to clean it up and report back. Looks disgusting on my 3008WFP, but a proper TV will fix that just fine.

an interesting find there.

do report your findings here and also a small guide how you did it? i may too try it. :clap:
Yeah, got into a bit of a roadblock. The 3008 WFP can interpret any kind of signal, so it has no porblems with weird connections. My TV is not so blessed, and showed me that my connection was incorrect. I'll be hacking it up again and maybe over the week will try and get component and S-video out. Last night I managed to get a Black and white picture completely stable, so the Y signal is pinned down. Need to identify the Pb, Pr and C pins for all connections to work properly.

Thankfully the 690G datasheet is available easily, now I need to pull out my meter and put a few hours into it. Will post back with an update.
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