Joey. Season 2

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Aces170 said:
@Nikhil, thanks to Torrents I get to see all the great shows, at awesome quality prints. For scifi fans, you should definitely check out Battlestar Galatica, its awesome.

I was thinking of downloading the BG series, but i think it'll take forever to do so on my 64kbps line...
Heres a forum that might help you with sci-fi serials...

I'll be there as VinceB ;)
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Joey sucks compared to friends and season 2 is pretty lame except for Joey and the House episode.

btw theyve cancelled it due to poor ratings..It may return in Feb but they arent sure. It averaged 8m viewers as opposed to friends which had 25m.
aww crap, i was wondering why they put eps 12 and 13 together instead of 23 & 24
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