Joining acrylic ( polyacrylate) with which adhesive?

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I'm trying to join Acrylite brand acrylic (polyacrylate). I tried fevistick but it leaves a white powdery substance on the surface without bonding the acrylic together.

I'm guessing cause there's no moisture on the acrylic. so put a drop of water between the joints, but it still fell apart.

Tried Araldite too - yukky smell and leaves white residue, does not join properly.

What adhesive is used to join acrylic? want something that will bind the pieces together without looking ugly. read about some #4 cement on web but dont see any company selling some stuff like that here. 3M has some adhesive, but industrial use only. So what options do i have?
u get this adhesive

idk whats its called but go to your local HW store and ask him for banner adhesive. its approx 50rs a bottle and its a small little thing

it is used to join banners (duh !!) and drop downs, the kinds which have ads, promotions on them :)

ps what u would be reat :D
If its silicone glue, it doubt it will be available for less than 75, in my area, it is 100 bucks, but if i buy 2 or more, he said he will give at 150+. btw is this also used to join glass? if yes, its the same item then.
Any superglue like Feviquick will do.

But to join Acrylic you don't even need an adhesive- solvents like acetone, chloroform etc will melt the acrylic and join them. The option suggested by Sunny is good.
thanks for the tips guys. will try these on scraps of acrylic. feviquick runs off the surface like water and so cant be used. also i need a good bond like it welds the pieces together without looking ugly.
GO to an aquarium shop, ask what they use in actylics tanks they build, thats the best option. They will even glue it all for a small fee, if you are in Pune, I can get it done for you no issues, I know enough Fishy people ;)

They need to make sure that the 2 pieces are joined tough and neatly, so its best to ask 'em.
Feviquick, Superglue, etc all are cyanoacrylate based instant adhesives. It evaporates and acts on acrylic, that's why you get white color near to the bonded areas.

Industrially/Commercially they use acrylic solvents like acetone for the perfect, seamless, colorless, waterproof join.

Its very simple to use. Take a thin painting brush, dip it in acetone, apply along the lines of the bond on both the surfaces. Wait for a couple of seconds. Stick the parts together and hold it for a couple of minutes. That's it.
most acrylic shops use chloroform. using masking tape or other tape around the joint you can prevent damage to the finish of the work piece.

Its fast and fairly strong.

you can get this in a medical shop i guess.
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