raksrules Oracle Aug 21, 2009 #1 I have a TV episode in six parts each a FLV file. I need to combine all to make a video file (of any format but preferably AVI/MPG). Any pointers ??
I have a TV episode in six parts each a FLV file. I need to combine all to make a video file (of any format but preferably AVI/MPG). Any pointers ??
Peace420All Dhai Kilo Ka Haath Contributor Sep 10, 2009 #4 Step 1: Use this Download Andy's FLV Joiner 0.3 - A simple Flash Video file joiner. - Softpedia Step 2: Use any Video converter, xillisoft or the kind...as the flv is anyways compressed and you arent going to get that spankingly clear video by encoding it in multipass etc..
Step 1: Use this Download Andy's FLV Joiner 0.3 - A simple Flash Video file joiner. - Softpedia Step 2: Use any Video converter, xillisoft or the kind...as the flv is anyways compressed and you arent going to get that spankingly clear video by encoding it in multipass etc..
É É±É‘É–É–Ê Explorer Sep 10, 2009 #5 Dude just convert FLV to AVI format and then combine the AVI formathyeah:
HellSlyne Contributor Sep 10, 2009 #6 If you have time, try to do it in mediacoder...Never tried to join flvs.else, as suggested...convert and join.
If you have time, try to do it in mediacoder...Never tried to join flvs.else, as suggested...convert and join.
Peace420All Dhai Kilo Ka Haath Contributor Sep 10, 2009 #7 Converting FLV into AVI & then joining it, is like Making Vinegar out of Grapes, then trying to make wine out of that.
Converting FLV into AVI & then joining it, is like Making Vinegar out of Grapes, then trying to make wine out of that.