Just a casual question about TATA / MTNL 2mbps connection

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i and my brother will take the TATA or MTNL connection eyeing specially the night time unlimited 2mbps speed.

1. Which one is better ? in terms of service and less downtime

2. TATA Rep have promised a maximum of 240kBps and atleast 64kBps. So please tell having two connection from TATA, will it effectively divide the peek speed between us. (meaning if both are using the Net, will the speeds gets affected)

3. What other factors will affect the speed, like distance etc.

Just a casual doubt which occurred as i am not much aware of DSL based net offereings
i happen to have both Tata and MTNL 2mbps connections in my house, so maybe i can answer your questions:

1. MTNL is slightly more reliable in terms of uptime. my tata goes down for around 3-4hrs total each month, no big deal. customer service wise, mtnl is definitely better.

2. Tata gives very good speeds. 200kb/sec is easily achievable. that said, MTNL's speed is comparable to Tata as well. If you and your brother are sharing the connection simultaneously, then the bandwidth will be shared by both of you. Basically, if you are both downloading big files at the same time from the same website, each of you will prob hit 240kb/sec divided by 2 = 120kb/sec max speed.

3. if your broadband connection is via DSL, then your speeds will definitely be affected by the quality of the copper phone lines running from the tel exchange to your house, distance from the nearest exchange etc.
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