Just a handful of guys crunching?

i wish there was a way that i could run the WCG client without taking up too much power. It stresses my ancient barton too much, and it tends to become unstable after protracted periods of running :(

when i get a new rig which i can underclock stably, i'll run it :).
Hacker said:
lol, u guys crunch for good reasons like findin cure etc, i used to crunch for seaching alien signals.

i used to crunch for Seti@home :lol:

Udit said:
i was not fighting but just offended by the way that sandy guy replied

it seemed as if he is really lifeless sand

Dude!! Calm Down!! It was all in good jest. No one meant any offense. ;)

Relax mate. :D its only internet :lol:
Btw can please tell, what if some university finds the cure (for say cancer) , what will happen, will they sell the formula to some mnc which will then sell medicines at exorbitant rates????
We cant force anyone to crunch. We can motivate them and thats all we can do
As long as someone finds a cure, the purpose has served, IMHO

lets not crunch for points.....that dries the determination after some time.........lets crunch so that maybe.....maybe we TEites will make a difference in some one's life.....maybe we might just reduce the big divide exists between success in finding the cure and failure to obtain it .....and all this might just reduce the pain and mean the difference between life n death for some poor soul

+9999999999999....... for the TE WCG Team
abhisheksahas said:


lets not crunch for points.....that dries the determination after some time.........lets crunch so that maybe.....maybe we TEites will make a difference in some one's life.....maybe we might just reduce the big divide exists between success in finding the cure and failure to obtain it .....and all this might just reduce the pain and mean the difference between life n death for some poor soul

+9999999999999....... for the TE WCG Team

If Udit doesnt mind me taking his name here, then I would like to say that lets not even think about that this is gonna help just some1, lets all TEites do it for Udit. Hopefully one of these days there will be a cure for duchenne muscular dystrophy and we might have played a small part to it.
TheMask said:
Dude!! Calm Down!! It was all in good jest. No one meant any offense. ;)

Relax mate. :D its only internet :lol:

great way to calm me down :D

boy did that help :eek:hyeah:

thebanik said:
If Udit doesnt mind me taking his name here, then I would like to say that lets not even think about that this is gonna help just some1, lets all TEites do it for Udit. Hopefully one of these days there will be a cure for duchenne muscular dystrophy and we might have played a small part to it.

thanks buddy i really appreciated that :)

you made my day :clap: :cool2:

i cannot crunch for TE as Team THL was created before TE & i had joined immediately so leaving them now would be unethical :(
Udit said:
i was not fighting but just offended by the way that sandy guy replied

it seemed as if he is really lifeless sand

Oh udit now Im just some Sandy guy is it? Im not going to respond but I understand!
If its personal Udit you can always talk to me on msn ;)

this useless sand as some say volunteers at NGO's teaching underprivileged men/women and children, and helping out old people.


lol your right need to cut down on the beer too :( damn 3 liters if beer in 1 night yeah :(
Sandy said:
Oh udit now Im just some Sandy guy is it? Im not going to respond but I understand!
If its personal Udit you can always talk to me on msn ;)

this useless sand as some say volunteers at NGO's teaching underprivileged men/women and children, and helping out old people.


i was just angry at the way you talked & said whatever came out at the heat of the moment :ashamed:

nothing personal :)

keep up your volunteer work :D

peace :cool2:

Supra said:
Crunching is good but not bragging with the points shown all over the place :p

points are to create a competitive environment for people who do not feel like crunching for humanity :)

i do not crunch for points as then i would have stopped crunching when i had got stuck @ stock ;)
i am still crunching, didn't crunch for a week or so coz my HDD got screwed up, anyways i keep my PC 24*7, so crunching ain't a big deal for me.

I feel that "Save electricity" comment is kind of lame :p no offense meant ;)
Well i creush for as long as my computer is on which on average it for almost 10 hours.......

Rest of the time... its off since If I am not at home I switch it off......
I started out a bit late but in less than 60 days Ive been able to break into top 20. Which actually means that many people at top-slots have stopped crunching altogether :(

Get going folks.....
I have started again. Finished my testing for now. Put up a cruncher. E8400 crunching away ar 4.2Ghz :D ( WIll put up Yorkfield when i get it. )

I would not argue with the electricity concerns. Specially when you are crunching from multiple high end pcs like I was. As I personally know how much electricity 1 quad and 2 DC systems can eat up if crunching at 3.6 Ghz :p

For DC / single systems, its still ok. Does not cost much. Definitely not much compared to what we are contributing for.

Anyway, those who are crunching, keep crunching. I will do complete revamp of the stats page. new format, updated stats better layout.
I have been crunching lately just to contribute, (for stanford), no team or account nothing, but I will gladly join the team, I will still be contributing, I have a c2d E6750@3.4Ghz running 24/7 here, I have no electricity/power cut issues, so why not contribute then. Lemme know how to go abt it.