Just a Riddle

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Lord Dagon

I lose a head in the morning,

but get it back at night.

What am I?

Neither bus nor train,

nor cab, nor plane,

I transport you once

and then never again.

What am I?

Without being called,

they come out at night.

Whiteout being stolen,

they are lost in the day

What are they?

I have seven letters:

The first two stand for a boy.

The first three stand for a girl

The first four are a brave boy.

The first six are addictive.

But all of my letters together

stand for a brave girl.

What am I?
I have seven letters:

The first two stand for a boy.

The first three stand for a girl

The first four are a brave boy.

The first six are addictive.

But all of my letters together

stand for a brave girl.

What am I?

For the first one ("I lose a head in the morning"), the answer is a pillow.

For the second one, I'm not so sure. There are two things that comes to my head:

1) Your feet

2) A funeral procession, but a funeral procession consists of a lot of people.
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