..just another new member...

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Brutally Honest
Hi, :Hi:i just signed up in this forum yesterday. :clap: Got a notification that my ac was still required to be validated so i thought i'd wait.

Well, tbh i always wanted to sign up but studies (if i ever study! :P) and college kept me apart.. :@

Now that my winter vacation has started (finished semester a day back :ohyeah:) i can say that i'll be online from now on..

Glad to be in this forum and looking forward to it :D

I wasnt recruited by anyone, wanted to but the guy didnt even reply :@ but i entered someone's name..the buster better be happy.. :cool2:

And trolls be warned :no:

btw, what does this mean??

In order to maintain the quality of posts and of users, we moderate the first few initial posts made by new members. This means that any new thread/reply that you make will be visible only after a staff member approves the same. This approval is usually given within an hour or at worst within 24 hours. Needless to say, posts that do not obey the rules of the community or are considered to be spam will not be approved.

Once you reach a pre-defined threshold, no such staff approval will be needed and full access to the site including some hidden forum sections will be unlocked.. The threshold is dynamically set based on your "approved" post count and your conduct on the site.

Are there some sections will are kept hidden from new members?? O_o

Also, is this forum optimized for mobile browsing?? If yes, i'll be even more regular :ohyeah: coz i dont touch laptop often... :/

well, i'll try to help fellow members with the best i can and be helped in returned.. :D

The last but not the least...iPwnz this forum :devil2:




EDIT: MODS, please look into my POSTSS!!!! They are still "invisible" Ugh! >__>

Till then...i dont think i'll be able to post..Zzzz...z..zz

Still getting
Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting.
The moderation is for the quality of posts so that posts like +1 are ignored .
Also this rule is for locking some part of the forum is to avoid scammers entering the market section.
^^ LOL

welcome to the forum :)

by the way, you have to tone down the usage of smileys a bit, to 2-3 a post !
ggt said:

The moderation is for the quality of posts so that posts like +1 are ignored .

Also this rule is for locking some part of the forum is to avoid scammers entering the market section.


ok then any idea when i'll be able to start posting normally?? O.o

~too impatient~ >.<

Metalspree said:
No welcoming u as all members are busy helping out a damsel :P

LoL. Ya i saw that post too :P

avinashwarrier said:
welcome to the forum :)

by the way, you have to tone down the usage of smileys a bit, to 2-3 a post !

:O he he...i just realized that.. i guess i used too much..couldnt help using them.. ^_^

@All, thanks.
Welcome onboard. Your posts have been approved. :D

Besides toning down the use of smileys, I also suggest not using excessive ... ... ... like you did in another post. It breaks the flow of reading.
Renegade said:
Welcome onboard. Your posts have been approved. :D

Whew! Thanks a ton!

Renegade said:
Besides toning down the use of smileys, I also suggest not using excessive ... ... ... like you did in another post. It breaks the flow of reading.

lol. Sorry about that. Will bear in mind.
LoL. I still am getting comments on my smilies :P

@All, thanks guys.

Will sure enjoy :)

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Okay, im IN!! Confirmed. Whew! :O

I was almost dead bored...waiting...ZZzzz :P
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