Linux Just got started

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With Linux. I have installed the X86 Ubuntu 4.10 installation.

1. Apparently I can not logon as Root. checked on Ubuntu they said I need to use the "sudo" command ?
2. Also My sound is detected but cant play MP3's ? Techmaster was saying I need to install some codecs which one ?
I had to download and install mp3 codecs from the XMMS site for em to work when i was using slack. Some copyright issues or something made them remove the codec and use the .ogg codec for music files.
Aces170 said:
With Linux. I have installed the X86 Ubuntu 4.10 installation.

1. Apparently I can not logon as Root. checked on Ubuntu they said I need to use the "sudo" command ?
2. Also My sound is detected but cant play MP3's ? Techmaster was saying I need to install some codecs which one ?

i do have ubuntu in my collection but havent tried it yet since no space to install. why sudo command to login as root?? have u forgotten your password?
do u mean this comand when u are loged in as non-priviledged user:
su - root

^^ similar as RunAs in Windows 2000/XP

as for the media player i use Xine on FC3 with mplayer codec pack installed and it plays all files from divx,wmv,mp3,wma etc.
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