PC Peripherals Just like that my Corsair M60 mouse has died!

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When I turned off my PC last night everything was alright. Today morning when I turned on my desktop, my Corsair M60 mouse is just not powering on! It's dead, tried all the USB ports and nothing.
I'll not recommend any Corsair mice to anybody anymore.
just make sure that everthing is connected properly and also you can short your psu to see if it is dead or working.
I have owned atleast 7 gaming mice from both Razer and SS over the past 5 years (all of em failed or had problems after 6 months, i strongly advice people to avoid anything from these brands if it has a circuit board). Know what i'm using now ? My 10 year old intellipoint 1.1 which works flawlessly (truly a legendary mouse along with the Mx518) !!
Failures from Corsair are pretty rare, get it replaced if it's still under warranty
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2003: TVS Ball mouse, still is good. Those switches were epic and I believe the micro switches too. 350 rupees.
2005: Samsung Optical mouse, 300 rupees. Still powers on, scroll wheel dead.
2007: Logitech G5. Hated it from day 1, size, shape, weight, everything, sold it within a month. Later heard that it died after 6 months. Rupees 2500.
2007 end: Logitech G9. I loved it form day 1, still works, but those Omron micro switches are infamous for their double click on single click problem. Anyway, it at least never died, and I'm sure it won't. 4650 rupees.
2012: Corsair M60. First unit had weight coin broken, replaced, second unit same. Now it's dead. Going to Kaizen tomorrow. 3350 rupees.
That's my mice history. PSU, RAM and SSD might be Corsair's forte, but mice certainly is NOT. There are plenty of reports of mouse going dead over Corsair forum, and now I'm one of them. I'll get a replacement, but I don't know what gaming mouse really is there which is flawless, I mean flawless in quality, not sensor wise. After using these Avago laser sensors I just too much like them, I don't like optical sensors. I'll never buy Razer and those Steel Series craps (and Roccat) to be honest, if anyone knows a good laser gaming mouse do let me know.
Btw, just purchased a Frontech optical mouse for 180 rupees, it's good to have a 'working' or 'undead' mouse.
I was in the market for a mouse not so long ago, i was looking at the Corsair range but for some reason their mice are not as abundantly available in the Indian market unlike their other products, also the newer revisions (M65/M95) weren't there at all.
That's when i pulled out the old workhorse. I was looking at Roccat mice since i have a Roccat kb (Arvo) and the build quality is really good. Have you used their mice ? I'm thinking of getting the Kone but let us know if you've unfortunately had some more bad experiences.
No, I haven't tried any Roccat products. Lol, I went to M.D to buy a Kone XTD, didn't buy it, because the shape and size of M60 was almost perfect for me, the XTD was little too big for me, but you said the keyboard is good, so that's a good thing to hear. For how long are you using the keyboard if I may know? For now it's durability that matters to me to be honest.
No, I haven't tried any Roccat products. Lol, I went to M.D to buy a Kone Plus/Pure (I'm not sure about the model name), but you said the keyboard is good, so that's a good thing to hear. For how long are you using the keyboard if I may know?

Been ~6 months. I bought it for the small footprint.
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