Just shifted to Vista. Now what?

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I am using Vista Ultimate 64 bit and XP Pro. Both are on different HDDs and at boot up I have the option to load any one.

Is there anyway to make all my applications installed on XP work on VIsta? Without having to reinstall everything again i.e.

Stuff like foobar, etc... Not to mention my games and all.

For games, can I just click on the .exe file in the installed folder and continue playing from there?
All crap.

It's much faster than XP. I'm really liking the new looking icons and everything. It makes for a refreshing change over the old icons :P
since u have vista 64 dont think most xp apps will work on it,try searching for them with vista 64 compatbility,

my advise to u is to install sp1 and see vista fly
now, you will find no difference between 32 and 64 bit in terms of compatibility. Whatever applications you get for 32 are being made for 64bit too. I found 64bit 10-15% faster than 32 bit, maybe because i am using 6 gigs of ram, but yes its too good for a 64 bit OS :)
Coming back to your original question :P

All standard programs that you installed in xp WILL need to be installed and configured again in vista as well :) Thats how it is :)

EDIT: Know what for sure?
click on start menu > type in welcome > double click on first icon
or Start > type in Windows Experience Index .. you will get all the information regarding the system.
As already mentioned by party monger, some of the applications will work just like that, by double clicking the exe. Steam games are one that will work just like that, others you will have to check individually.....
For more information on your computer, right click my computer and properties.
You can see if its sp1 or not, check the windows experience index and post abt it..

Most of the softwares wil work..Sometimes, when a software has a 64 bit edition, the developers make the setup in such a way that it says not compatible with 64 bit version..generally these have a 64bit version..

In simple terms, except the drivers, every thing can be the same with the same speed that you get in xp..
I think games may not work, not for OS compatibility, but reason being a game installed in XP will have its saves/config folder under my documents, but for vista (i heard) mydocs have some other location.

But from experience - After format/reinstalling XP on C drive, all games on D(any other) drive works fine without a reinstall, you just need to copy save/config folder to wherever it was before - usually under C:/documents and settings
OFF your track, but i also want to install vista 64 bit, but i heard that it has driver problems, i mean it required signed driver only. Do you phase any problem regarding this.
jigarpatel said:
OFF your track, but i also want to install vista 64 bit, but i heard that it has driver problems, i mean it required signed driver only. Do you phase any problem regarding this.

You can turn off that requirement using tweaking softwares easily. Also, almost most of the drivers have 64 bit versions now, search for your hardware drivers if you have all the driver support, you could give it a shot.
alsiladka said:
You can turn off that requirement using tweaking softwares easily.

You sure about that? Because you can't do it so easily. It is something you have to choose on each boot.

But it isn't an issue - most hardware now has 64 bit drivers. Some laptops can be painful, but for desktop hardware you'll be fine. Also, I believe there is a tool available from Microsoft that will tell you whether your hardware has drivers available.
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