Linux K3b for KDE4 soon

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Dark Star


The much waited and most powerful disc burning tool K3b will be ported to KDE 4 soon.. The work has started with the help of Mandriva [sponsor of the project] and hopefully we will have a full working K3b KDE 4 release in April.. So K3b KDE4 will be available with Mandriva 2009.1 and Fedora 10, it will not be available with Kubuntu 9.04 as they already pass the feature freeze..

Mandriva has decided to help porting k3b, the leading and award-winning KDE burning software, to Qt4. 2 engineers of our KDE team are working together with Sebastian Trueg, the lead developer of this project, so that new version can be released sooner and hopefully for 2009 Spring release. Linux users will finally be able to make k3b use the full power of the KDE4 platform through Solid, Phonon and all the Plasma environment.Boiko is one of our 2 engineers working at the moment on this port.

What does your work consist in?

Boiko: KDE4 and Qt4 brought many new possibilities for developers. But in order to benefit from those possiblities, it is necessary to port all the KDE3/Qt3 code to these new infrastructure. K3b port has been started some time ago, but there are still a lot of work to be done. Our work is to finish this port work and at the same time to simplify the code by making use of the new KDE4 and Qt4 frameworks available for many of the tasks that used to be done “by hand” inside the application.

What are the targets in general and in KDE4?

Boiko: The main target is to get K3b working for at least the most common tasks (like burning data CDs and DVDs, Audio CDs, VCD, etc). Apart from that, the target is also to keep K3b integrated into KDE4 by adapting it to the new frameworks and guidelines.

Sebastian added: “Gustavo and Arthur are working on porting all project views to the Qt4 view/model architecture. They are processing very well and almost all projects have been ported. I ported the d’n'd support, fixed plugin management, and a few other things that broke with the change from KDE3 to KDE4. K3b trunk contains a lot of improvements which partially are not finished yet. I am trying to get most of it done for April.”

Source : The Official Mandriva Blog Blog Archive Mandriva helps porting k3b in Qt4
Good news...

I hope (actually I think) they (Kubuntu) will take an FFE (feature freeze exception) and include this in the 9.04 release itself :)
OK installed the kde4 version of k3b from PPA to test and report, was only able to burn and boot gparted ISO on CDRW. Burning files or ISO to CDRW/DVDRW failed (hangs) and even erasing DVD doesnt work properly.

Posted notes to ubuntu devel list, any idea where to post logs/bug reports? is a mess...


Kubuntu devs are also hoping to include it in 9.04... but they already are under staffed in general so Jaunty release is looking dire...
^^I find KDE bugs mailing list much better :)

How to post things at mailing list ? :s Is it just like replying mailing list from email ?
It depends if the list mods allow posting by non-registered users... like my email bounced from kubuntu-devel list because I'm not subscribed, but I was able to send to ubuntu-devel-discuss but after subscribing...
Ouch, looks like DVDRW formatting/writing wasnt working because the drive fails to read DVDRWs even older ones which were working a little while ago... DVDs and CDs/CDRWs work though. I hope the drive (Samsung SH-S203D) is failing due to regular reasons and not because of k3b testing!
Bah, if K3b for KDE4 doesn't make it in time (or is unstable) for Kubuntu Jaunty release, I just remembered you can simply uninstall it and install GNOME's Brasero which (on Kubuntu) looks like a native KDE app with the QtCurve+GtkEnginesQtCurve style :)

Some people report getting "checksum failed" errors with current brasero in the beta after burning but the actual burn is fine...
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