k750i problem


the bloody phone just refuses to play mp3s randomly saying 'cannot play this sound file' or something..
really irritating when u consider that of 1 gb...it just refuses to play almost 500 mb stuff.

and also, it weirdly deletes folders, i.e i had 7 folders of mp3s transferred to it (transferred the folders coz all of those folders had track1, track2 etc) and then when i disconnect the phone and check the filemanager--> sounds section, i see only 2 folders. stunned, i check the mem card by connecting the cell to the pc and see that there are 2 folders only.
where did the rest go??!
did some googling n found that either it could be a fake memory card...(mine shows 988mb total capacity...which seems unusually high for a 1 gb stick) or it could be a firmware issue.

will format the card, if that doesnt work, will upgrade the firmware.

if both dont work, it surely must be a fake card...

what say?