PC Peripherals K8N & 2800+ & memory info

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just sold an Asus K8N paired with a 2800+ s754 ..... the guy whom i sold it to asked me if everythings fine ....and i was like yea ...am using it .... everything seems to be fine ..... his question made me wonder .... do u guys know of any s/w which determines if the mobo and/or the procci is at optimum performance .... i had a fr who wasnt gettin good performance while gaming ...though his computer seemed to work just fine ..... later he found out that he had a blown capacitor on his mobo ......it makes me wonder again .... may be its my bad , but i never adhere to the static electricity warning ....i use bare hands most of the times w/o first grounding static charge on my hand ... So all in all is there a way to find out if my mobo / cpu / memory is running at optimum performance or if not the stated/ specified performance ....or mebbe if everythings working right down to every capacitor on the board ?....
i might sound naive , but it really generated a lot of curiosity ..... looking forward to some replies ....thanks ..
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maybe you can try memtest86 for the memory and run prime for a day or so to really stress your computer.. guess if its ok with these its more or less ok for anything
Well run prime, test SuperPi timings, or even 3dmark03 and 05 CPU test.
That should give ya the nice idea how the CPU,mobo and memory is working.
Just take 1 care while handling the PC parts. When you are gona touch something inside the cabinet like mobo or RAM etc etc, keep your 3pin plug connected to the socket. Just turn the switch off and touch the cabinet. If there is any static on your hands it will discharge through the ground terminal.
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