Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days demo is out on steam

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Got the 360 version. Boy it feels like an eternity since we got some decent games out in the past 2 months. Too groggy to play it right now. Will try it tomorrow.

EDIT: Done with the game. Underwhelming! That's all I can say. Everything I loved about the first game seems to be missing in this one. It's really good in some levels, while repetitive in the rest. Length, again, was a huge disappointment. No alternate ending this time. Not sure if they would bring out a sequel or not.
Can we play with both characters or only as Lynch , I heard the release date was 20th
dinjo said:
Can we play with both characters or only as Lynch , I heard the release date was 20th

SPOILER: You get to play as Lynch for most part, it's only in the last level do you take over Kane's part.
didn't liked the game at all.Graphics looked mediocore,character movements is really funny.




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Started playing this game today. I didn't like the shooting much, maybe they fkud up the accuracy to make it more realistic. I completed 2 missions.
The graphics looks really really bad. Even with full AA on the edges were bad. Also the sighting system took me a while to get used to it --- but once there, felt like Val Kilmer from Heat. It seems to have a fair be of Physics. What engine..?
asingh said:
The graphics looks really really bad. Even with full AA on the edges were bad. Also the sighting system took me a while to get used to it --- but once there, felt like Val Kilmer from Heat. It seems to have a fair be of Physics. What engine..?

Glacier Engine + HAVOK Physics.
The gfx is alright.its meant to be like that as i had mentioned earlier it has been made such that the entire story has been shot with a low pixelated camera.

Do not know about that. But they still look like sh$$. It was a prompt uninstall for me.
quan chi said:
The gfx is alright.its meant to be like that as i had mentioned earlier it has been made such that the entire story has been shot with a low pixelated camera.

Exactly. The graphics were targeted with a specific look to suit the mood of the game. It's quite unique and unconventional, if you ask me. I haven't seen any other game adopting such an approach.
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