PC Peripherals Kaput psu

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LOL @ electrical expert who says dirty power is as good as clean power or 'you're PSUing it wrong...'
Subjective denials of something that was never said. Inaccurate as indicated by no reasons why, no facts, subjective claims, and no specification numbers. No numbers is a first reason to best ignore some posts.

Surge protectors that fried were ineffective protection. Sufficiently sized (and properly earthed) protectors do not fry. Near zero joules protectors that fry can also make nearby appliance damage easier. That may explain the OP's computer damage.

Effective protection (necessary to even protect near zero joule plug-in protectors) was defined earlier. Comes from other companies known for integrity.

UPS does not claim effective hardware protection. UPS is temporary and 'dirty' power so that unsaved data can be saved (and to avoid reboots). UPS also requires above effective protection. Effective hardware protection (of all appliances) was defined by numbers and a low impedance connection to what harmlessly dissipates hundreds of thousands of joules.

Most power supplies (with APFC) are happy even with 'dirty' UPS power. Supplies that have extreme APFC numbers (ie exceeding 0.98) may have problems with the 'dirtiest' UPSes (ie 20% THD). Numbers that get ignored in subjective denials and accusations.
Hmm, in my POV, whether the power supplied by the UPS is dirty or clean at least it gives me enough time to save my data or any game whatsoever. Coming to protection from power surges and lightning, no amount of higher joules surge protectors and expensive ups is going to save your hardware. One does buy these things " HOPING " that it will provide some protection to their hardware. And yes i have a microtek inverter(ups) installed at my home saying pure sine wave, no idea if its totally true or not but in case of power failure, which it always does in my parts, i always get of very good back up.
Coming to protection from power surges and lightning, no amount of higher joules surge protectors and expensive ups is going to save your hardware. One does buy these things " HOPING " that it will provide some protection to their hardware.
One pays tens of times more money for plug-in protectors that even say (in specifications) that it does not protect from potentially destructive surges. A POV not tempered by well proven science and without numbers is classic junk science reasoning. Honest responses are always tempered by numbers.

Telco switching centers typically suffer about 100 surges with each storm. How many times this past year was your entire town without phone service, for four days; while they replaced that damaged computer? Never? Exactly. Protection even from direct lightning strikes was routine even 100 years ago. Why do so many today recite urban myths, wild speculation, subjective assumptions, advertising slogans, and defeatism?

If lightning does appliance damage, a homeowner all but invited it inside. Damage is traceable to human mistake. Protection, even from direct lightning strikes, is that routine. But not provided by plug-in protectors or a UPS. Anybody can read those specs. Most who recommend ignore those numbers.

Soundbytes promote near zero joule protectors and myths that nothing can protect from lightning. Reality - as demonstrated here - requires many paragraphs. Those who learn install proven 'whole house' protection, do not waste money on plug-in 'magic boxes', and only read (learn from) recommendations based in over 100 years of well proven science - always with numbers.

Protection is always about where hundreds of thousands of joules are harmlessly absorbed. As was true over 100 years ago. As even demonstrated by Ben Franklin over 250 years ago. As was even taught in primary school science. Appliance protection: if any appliance needs that protection, then every appliance needs that protection. Unfortunately that reality cannot be found in soundbytes that promote ineffective 'magic box' protection. A protector is only as effective as a connection to and quality of earth ground.
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M confused between all these fights of square, sine,round etc...

Now which APC ups should I buy?? I got good service and product by APC all years down. Hence preferring APC.

If I buy apc will it damage my setup?
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