Subjective denials of something that was never said. Inaccurate as indicated by no reasons why, no facts, subjective claims, and no specification numbers. No numbers is a first reason to best ignore some posts.LOL @ electrical expert who says dirty power is as good as clean power or 'you're PSUing it wrong...'
Surge protectors that fried were ineffective protection. Sufficiently sized (and properly earthed) protectors do not fry. Near zero joules protectors that fry can also make nearby appliance damage easier. That may explain the OP's computer damage.
Effective protection (necessary to even protect near zero joule plug-in protectors) was defined earlier. Comes from other companies known for integrity.
UPS does not claim effective hardware protection. UPS is temporary and 'dirty' power so that unsaved data can be saved (and to avoid reboots). UPS also requires above effective protection. Effective hardware protection (of all appliances) was defined by numbers and a low impedance connection to what harmlessly dissipates hundreds of thousands of joules.
Most power supplies (with APFC) are happy even with 'dirty' UPS power. Supplies that have extreme APFC numbers (ie exceeding 0.98) may have problems with the 'dirtiest' UPSes (ie 20% THD). Numbers that get ignored in subjective denials and accusations.