Security Software KAspersky 2010 or ESET Nod32

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Which is the best antivirus out of the two...

Kaspersky 2010 or ESET NOD32 4.437 ???????

Im gonna use Comodo free Firewall with it.
Definitely get ESET, have been using it since the past few years, very pleased w/ it.
Also get the ESET Smart security, it has a firewall, which is pretty awesome and an anti-spam module..
^^I beg to differ.

No doubt Kasper is #1 but if you are looking at free application then go for ESET and ofcource Comodo is the best. I have been using it since 6 months+ and I never had any problems.
Close your eyes and buy kaspersky... Its like wine, keeps getting better with every new version :) and it costs around 650 for a 3 user licence, which is totally worth it considering the protection it provides. Plus its light on the system too..
who says ESET nod32 is for free?

Eset Nod32 uses the least of resources of any antivirus available in the market without sacrificing on its virus detection capabilities.the firewall may not be that great but the antivirus is top notch.

many of my friends had Bsod errors when they installed Kaspersky. when i suggested them nod32 all were happy since they did not had to upgrade their ram.

till june i was using nod 32on my p4 with128 mb ram machine and it did not lag except games but with kaspersky even videos would start stuttering on my old pc. so you get the difference.
I ws also thinking of ESET + comodo firewall...

Eset is very good and has really very few false positives..

Any more suggestions??
ESet Smart Security v4 (NOD32 AV + Firewall etc) any freakin day!

1. ESet SS is Light on resources.

2. It also provides better security compared to KIS 2009 (as I've used both in the past four months, 2010 is just the rebranded 2009 not much of a difference AFAIK)
KIS is heavier on resources compared to Eset as per my experience. Also, people tend to think KIS is better because it detects virii when other AVs don't. You'll be surprised if you run a google most of the virii that KIS detects when other don't. It's notorious for false positives.
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You get the best of the Viruses and the Worst of the viruses when you are in college. Whoever in my area used ESET got their systems FARKED with worms n Trojans, while the KIS users were totally Immune.

So +1 for KIS :)
Naga said:
KIS is heavier on resources compared to Eset as per my experience. Also, people tend to think KIS is better because it detects virii when other AVs don't. You'll be surprised if you run a google most of the virii that KIS detects when other don't. It's notorious for false positives.

+10 to you :D

! 0 t A said:
You get the best of the Viruses and the Worst of the viruses when you are in college. Whoever in my area used ESET got their systems FARKED with worms n Trojans, while the KIS users were totally Immune.

So +1 for KIS :)

My experiences tell a completely opposite story. So it's all about what suits you in the end :)
i have checked KIS forum and few other sites and many users including me are having irritating and frustrating problem with streaming online content and for downloading files (either from file hosting servers or other sources). This problem is for KIS 2009 and 2010. So i would suggest unless KIS solves that problem use trial version as much as you can.
Had been using Norton 2009 since long until it was blacked out :P

Tried ESET Smart Security but had some problems and had to move on to Kaspersky.

After that using KIS2009 and then now 2010 and it has been good so far.

For a decent system, u won't notice any difference between KIS or ESET performance wise. U can set it to automatic mode, so it doesn't bug u et all.

And no need of using a separate firewall. This has everything.

And for the price of KIS, its a steal. :)
! 0 t A said:
You get the best of the Viruses and the Worst of the viruses when you are in college. Whoever in my area used ESET got their systems FARKED with worms n Trojans, while the KIS users were totally Immune.

So +1 for KIS :)

I agree :ohyeah:
Can't say why, but i always feel better having a single security suite having both Firewall and AV rather than keeping two products from different companies.

For this reason, my favourite used to be Norton Internet Security 2009 and now KIS 2010. ESET Smart Security AV is very good but the Firewall is not comparable to Kaspersky.
And using ESET nod32 AV with some other firewall made me feel unsafe bcoz of the firewall...:P

Hence, as far as possible i think using a single comprehensive product without junk is always good for security.

However, if u are not using net much, then NOD32 is hell of a AV :ohyeah:
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