Kaspersky AV Uninstall is Incomplete?

Kaspersky Antivirus uses a method called iChecker (for FAT32 partitions) and iStreams (for NTFS partitions) to remember the files it has scanned. It somehow tags the files it has scanned with some data. I found this recently when trying to transfer a file from my hard-drive to the USB drive and encountered a message

The file 'xyz.exe' has extra information attached to it that might be lost if you continue copying. The contents of this file will not be affected. Information that might be lost includes:


Thinking it to be a virus infection I did thorough AVG 7 (Free) scan but nothing. And then KAV recalled Kaspersky antivirus to my mind that I had uninstalled a long time ago.

The found this out on Kaspersky Online FAQ

Message about 'KAVICHS' on each NTFS file is informational. It means that Kaspersky Anti-Virus service information was written into file's additional data stream. After uninstallation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus this information is not deleted, because it can be used with next installations of Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

I don't even remember the KAV uninstaller asking me whether to keep this information or not. Why?

Then, as instructed I downloaded their Klstreamremover.exe utility ("can clean ADS tags of files") and ran it from command line with -r as told. It said "Total Streams found 3116, w/o stream 10". Not very helpful. So I try to transfer the file to USB drive again and same crap happening. Why... why... why...?

This is very annoying. Somebody please help me get rid of this crap irrespective of whether its harmful or useful. Are there other antivirus/antispywares using this same trick?
do u have any suspicious netapi32.dll running ?Well as the site specified,getting the streamremover works if u have uninstalled it.

Important: you need to make sure Kaspersky Anti-Virus is uninstalled prior to running of the utility.
which means even though u have uninstalled it before,NO PROBLEM . what they mean is that ...
before running that ~remover.exe u need to uninstall kaspersky and then run it .u seem to have misunderstood .
bosky101 said:
do u have any suspicious netapi32.dll running?
Nope...none that I can see in the WindowsXP Task Manager.

bosky101 said:
before running that ~remover.exe u need to uninstall kaspersky and then run it .u seem to have misunderstood
Erm....Like I said, I had uninstalled KAV a long time ago. had even forgot all about and tried the remover today.
hmm ...so if its uninstalled ,why u worrying bout the streams ? i dint get what the problem cuased as a result of it was .do u plan on using kaspersky again and simply uninsatlled it to get rid of the problem ? or are u just tweaking and wondering if there is any problme in hte first palce ?