Security Software Kaspersky License after reinstalling OS

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im gonna buy the 3-user license of KIS 2009. now my question is, if i use the key for 3 different PC's and i need to reinstall the OS or install a different OS on any of the machines, would i be able to use the same key again? or would the key become useless since it has been used 3 times? also what happens if i change my hardware? i suppose that count as a different pc?
u can use it on the fourth pc but check that the licence is not used for more than three times as kaspersky lets to do it but if they find that your licence is used multiples times more than three times than they can block ure key. afaik u can install no probs.
Do not use the serial more than 3 times or the key will be black listed.... What you can do is following which is written on the envelope of Kaspersky Install Disc that I got.
Most Urgent
Register your Activation Code

Please visit the below link and Register with your Activation Code and Download the Key by clicking on the "Download Key" option.

The Key file "xxxxx.key" along with your unique customer id and password in a text file will be downloaded in the zip format. Unzip the file and store the License key and text file for future use in case of system format/re installation etc.
I have used my KIS for around 10 re-install. Just register at and download the key file. Always activate your KIS using the key file.
I was using kis2009 3 users for the past 6 months. Which me and my 2 freinds are activated in our pc's.

But last week my hard disk got crashed. so i reinstalled the operating system.
After that when I am trying to activate my kis 2009 its showing no. of activations exceeded.

My friends kis2009 are working fine.

Then I tried to contact kaspersky and they want the purchase invoice, serial no. on the box etc.
This product was purchased by my friend and he sent me the activation key. Even he misplaced the invoice and box.

And none of us have an user ID from Kaspersky

So what can I do......................
I think there is not much u can do.
It was ur friends responsibility to keep the primary activation key and the invoice.

Atleast u guys should have created a account with Kaspersky for the keys, then u could have got another key.

Without these i guess u can't do anything mate. :(

See if someone else has faced a similar situation and can help. :cool2:
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