Linux KDE and fonts nightmare

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Well went ahead and replaced the ubuntu jaunty with kubuntu karmic yesterday...All went smooth, all working exceptionally well...some minor visible KDE bugs here n there :@

Was checking out the Fonts in system settings and looks like its screwed up now.
Found system menu fonts too big so decided to put a lower size in the font config but after I changed all became thin and very bad looking.

Reverted it back to old setting but it does not seem to revert as it looked earlier. Well tried the advanced option like Hinting to Medium but still its not same. Where am i missing it? I had this dreaded problems back in KDE 3.x which made me sick of it finally :@
i have decided never to use kubuntu or kde over ubuntu, it has been an ugly experience in the past which made me believe that kde sucks...but using kde on mandriva made it clear for me that kde doesn't suck.. although kde + ubuntu OR just kubuntu = phail !!
madnav said:
i have decided never to use kubuntu or kde over ubuntu, it has been an ugly experience in the past which made me believe that kde sucks...but using kde on mandriva made it clear for me that kde doesn't suck.. although kde + ubuntu OR just kubuntu = phail !!

I wouldnt agree with you :P

kubuntu is great...:clap:

anyway it dint help me much with my problem. I had this problem in earlier 3.x version of kde also in is not the culprit here

deleting the .font.conf file in home directory reverted back to default setting...... ;)
I also suggest you use Droid or Undotum fonts for your desktop (both are free fonts). I even force Firefox to take up these fonts.

They look much, much better than the default fonts.
have you located the "system fonts dpi" setting (dropdown) in one of the config windows? try changing from defailt 96 to 120... after you have chosen smaller fonts...
vishalrao said:
I am waiting for KDE 4.4 for the "kinetic" stuff - should be some smooth animated UI ! :D

+1 !

Is this the article you're referring to ?

KDE 4.4 aims to take free desktop skyward - desktop linux, kde, kde4, open source - CIO

Also, I would recommend against Kubuntu as a KDE desktop of choice. I've had lots of bad experiences with it in the past. The good options for a KDE 4 desktop are openSUSE 11.2 (firefox is integrated beautifully) or Arch if you're willing to sacrifice some time to set it up.
My $0.02 :)
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