CPU/Mobo Keep Phenom II X4 955 BE or get i5

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Core i5 is VFM but for someone upgrading from an older gen. PC. It would make no sense if you upgrade it. You will get performance improvement but it wont be VFM for you. Its like paying 20k to upgrade from phenom II X3 to P II 965(proccy + mobo). Best is you OC it. And wait for 32nm proccy. Or hang around and get a FERMI, itll add some juice to your general computing as well!!

You can also include i7 in that, its same story no VFM.
Why on earth would you want to make a change ?? You will hardly get any performance boost, you will only save a few watts at best.
rajan1311 said:
Why on earth would you want to make a change ?? You will hardly get any performance boost, you will only save a few watts at best.
Performance increase will be like 5~10% at max in real time, especially with a weak GPU like that which cant tax even a good dual core to max [x2 550 or E8400].

I suggest, sell off that GTX 260, and get a 5850/5870.
Guaranteed performance boost of more than 100% in most games [with 5870] in full HD with lots of AA and AF.

And i think the 955BE can easily do 4.0 G stable. More than enuf for holding even a 5870 CF.
You can get 10k-11k for proccy+mobo and + 1k more if setup is fresh and within warranty period.

So toal you can expect 12k max for mobo+proccy

not that low

that proccy new one is for 9k and mobo for 8k+

SO you can expect atleast 12k for both and even upto 13k if they have local warranty and is less than 6 months old.
IMHO You should get 14K. With very low power consumption and better performance, i5 750 is worth considering especially if you love having a look at different technologies :).
I really love that myself :)
keep it... i don't think u will find too much of a performance difference.. Also heard that d next gen amd procs will run on the current am3 boards...

for now, get a 5850 (5870 seems like a overkill)
If you really want to sell your current rig then what is going to be your next setup, As per i think you should go for Coreâ„¢ i7-975 processor Extreme Edition :ohyeah:with a brand new ATI Radeon 5970:ohyeah:to feel the real difference from your currrent rig, getting jump from your current rig to i5 or i7 won't get much increase in performance specially i5, reading few post on this thread i will also suggest you to overclock your AMD Phenom II 955 to 4.0ghz and get a ATI Radeon 5870 and also can upgrade your PSU to a real 700 or 800w...i am sure your will enjoy your overclocked setup as compair to your current setup:)
yea ^^^^ true...forget about the price drops....u have a gr8 cpu and gpu...u can expect some big changes in 2011...not now
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