Linux Kernel panic


After a whole night of downloading, my comp suddenly rebooted and
during the booting process, the last line was
Kernel panic, attempting to kill init!

anyone have any idea what that means?

Also when i boot into windows, i get the startup screen and then it
automatically reboots. If i have to format my C:\ and reinstall
windows, will i lose the GRUB loader??
(I'm using Debian Sarge)
Yes you will lose GRUB, though there should be a way to restore that. I am not sure of the procedure to be followed in debian though.

I also cannot fathom the first problem, in my experience kernel panics occur only when you mess around with kernel configurations.
Hi....well frequent reboots generally means RAM going bad or insufficient power supply or CMOS battery low!

But I have faced such situations too....but it was like frequent BSODS,secondary slave(hardisk) not detetcted and sometimes primary master too, rare automatic restarting,frequent hangings even on linux!

I solved my problem by opening up the cabinet, taking out everything there, cleaning up the ram,hdd, wires, removing the the large amount dust, using a heavy vaccum cleaner and then finally putting up back everything. I initially had thought that RAM was gone. But I was surprised that everything worked perfectly after that (cleaning work)!

So before u look into the matter I suggest u to clean up the PC and fix the connections tightly!
Question: Did the windows problem arise separately or at the same time as the kernel panic? This information will prove valuable. Somehow I think reef_d will be unable to answer this question till after his problems are solved, you may have noticed that he hasn't looked at this thread for 3 days.
hey, i'm still not sure what the problem was. linux running perfectly, but in windows, whenever i open 'My Computer', it hangs. I don't use windows often, but i've got some important documents there. Also if i have to reintall the GRUB loader, will i have to format my linux paritions?? or can i do it without having to install the base system

Btw the windows problem didn't arise along with this. Also my processor temp is about 72C, so does that have anything to do with the rebooting?
72 deg . C ?? Gosh... What proccy u have ??

Also kernel panic has not got much to do with ur Proccy. Its probably ur RAM acting up.

You can install grub without doing anything to any of ur partitions.
proccy is P4 3.0 ghz supporting H.T.

do you have any links which will show me how to install the GRUB loader??

also i'll try cleaning the inside and check. anyway that was the only occasion that kernel panic occured. since then linux is running smoothly