keyboard error


well this is a wierd wierd problem i am facing. everytime i press my ctrl button for more than 2 times at a stretch or keep it pressed for 3-4 seconds, my machine begins to shutdown as if i have clicked the turn off button (not abrupt i mean, it performs a normal boot off). as a result i have to be extremely quick while selecting multiple files or doing ctrl enter to get the '.com'. Please help me. I even tried reinstalling its generic microsoft driver. didnt help. thanks in advance :)


Edit: NOw id did two things. I first went and tried using my keyboard on my friends computer and tried to see if the same problem occurs. It worked fine without any problem. No shutdown on keeping control button pressed. Second was to get his keyboard and try running it on my computer. Now when i press the control button of this keyboard the problem doesnt occur. So what could be the problem ? Is it my keyboard driver and keyboard casuing problem on my dektop ? This is getting too ridiculous. Please help.
Try uninstalling keyboard drivers from Device manager then remove the keyboard and shutdown ur pc. Connect keyboard again and power ur pc on then check.
Anyways had loads of problems with solving this issue, i even tried the shutdown after removing drivers thingy. didnt work. I think ill have to go for a new keyboard only. Cuz yet another keyboard worked on my computer flawlessly. Thank you guys :)