Storage Solutions Kingston's real face when you claim for WARRANTY

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thebanik said:
Thats because AFAIK, even the Fake Kingston drives are not Fakes but just parallel imports
Does this mean any Kingston drive available in market today (road side near Gaffar market, some so called authorized dealer, lets buy, tradus etc etc) are all actually not fakes. I for one cannot buy that statement. Also what exactly is meant by parallel import ??? :S

I have seen even transcend fakes being sold on road side in Delhi.
^^Ok got it. But in that case those are just parallel imports / grey market stuff etc etc but they are definitely NOT FAKE. But everyone here does know that fake pen drives actually exist. Else how could those con men be selling 32/64/128 GB pen drives for 300 rupees.

Also officially Kingston does not have any 128 GB (to best of my knowledge) but in fakes you get it, offcourse it wont work.
and no one would be trying to RMA them either, and even if they did, they can be spotted at the dealers themselves :P
Most of the dealers wont risk giving a proper bill for a duplicate/grey market item.

In any case, I am sure every service centre/manufacturer have internal process of checking whether the drive is genuine, maybe some Tier 2 manufacturers do it as well. Difference is that the entire RMA process, including whatever genuine check they run, doesn't take about 10-15 days(?). Kingston shouldn't have ditched Accel Frontline.
This thread has been going on for few days now and the so called Kingston representative has been using the forums everyday but rather than replying to this thread has been promoting stupid movies that they have tied up with and promote their products.

Probably no answer to queries being raised here. :|
^^ These things take time. Its not as if any companies do an overnight implementation. Would you prefer a promise in a form of a response with no time frame against giving a response once an effective solution is implemented?

I told to Kingston that I haven't seen Kingston's presence in major online retailers and the only presence I seen so far was the ads in mahalaxmi and Linking Road area. This was about few months ago. Now I go to prime, they have the stuff- memory sticks, flash drive and I think they have SSDs. Not sure about other stores but maybe can confirm but they have acted based on what 1 person said. There are some things company takes it seriously but the problem is certain people working in service centres/distribution.

Remember, we're in a country where a company's happiness gets blown off easily if a distri/service goes bad, but making a good rep- or salvaging it, takes way more than a year's time.
like i said earlier, what do you expect him/her to do ? Its not like they're empowered. They'd probably have reported this to corporate, where someone is still crunching the numbers on feasiblity and the plans being circulated for approvals and signoffs, and the channel strategy being made. Dude, with any big company, it will take a while. Its not like its some mom and pop shop.
Aman27deep said:
I was thinking of buying a Kingston SSD, but this scares me. Probably will go for OCZ now.
dont bother with ocz also.
its another cheating business.
they started putting 25nm flash memory with lower speed and reliabiulity without disclosing that this is 25 nm drive.
for ssd wait for few weeks,get either intel(best ever reliability so far ) or corsair force # series (sata 6 gbps and running at 550 or so for read spees.)
my 2 cents...
I came here looking to ask about RMA for my dead 4GB Datatraveler 100.

But after going through this thread, I guess I'll just use it as a keyring now... :(
nehaladsul said:
I came here looking to ask about RMA for my dead 4GB Datatraveler 100.

But after going through this thread, I guess I'll just use it as a keyring now... :(
I would suggest you check for the Genuineness of your pen drive using the Kingston website and once confirmed call the Kingston RMA (whatever store or CC it is) and tell them that you have verified that it is genuine and they too can using the so called "1 Minute verification" and if it is genuine offer the "On the spot" replacement.

See if they oblige. I suspect they wont.
nehaladsul said:
I came here looking to ask about RMA for my dead 4GB Datatraveler 100.

But after going through this thread, I guess I'll just use it as a keyring now... :(
Dear nehaladsul,

If the pendrive is found to be genuine and with no physical damage, the same should be replaced immediately, currently we are offering Across the Table replacements for Pendrives and Memory Modules across 18+ locations, this includes all metros. Please refer to the service center information:
Kingston Technology Company - Support - Authorized Service Centers
Implementation for ATC across all locations across the country is in progress and will be done in phases in the next couple of months to come.

Kingston Technology

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Crazy_Eddy said:
^ Does the genuine check RMA procedure apply to all devices or only SD cards?
Dear Crazy_Eddy,

Yes it's mandatory for our Service center to verify the product before giving a replacement. For Pendrives and Memory Modules verification are done locally whereas for MicroSD, SD and MMC Verification is done in Taiwan currently.

Kingston Technology
now Kingston/Transcend/Sandisk fakes are coming with original like packings and also with a new idea.Fake India looklike Importers Stickers.

So its very hard to find the real & the fake rather than an expert.So many fakes reachs thier ASPs for RMAs. The only option to fight these fakes is via the strict law enforcement raids across main suppliers only. !!!!!!
^^ Those are not "imported by" stickers that distributors put on the duplicate product. Those are product stickers with manufacturer's information, which country its made on and with barcode of the product. No1 is dumb enough to sell duplicate with the distributor's sticker and/or a bill. If a product does not have "distributed/imported by" sticker and if dealers are not ready to give a proper bill, walk away.

I think pendrive's casing should be designed in a way that duplicating to atleast look that way appear to be an expensive approach for the duplicate manufacturers. I don't think we see corsair duplicates, atleast Voyager/Voyager GT series.
^^Those corsairs are probably not that famous (at least with not so computer literate people) and hence we dont find fakes of them. That is what i think.
I remember when my pen drive went kaput, it got replaced quite easily & quickly.. but it was by Accel Frontline & 4 years back.. not sure of the situation now..
Digicare delete online RMA status of my Card, so I just don't know what's happens with my card or my RMA case. Also NOT SURE whether the Card is Replaced or Repaired. Why you delete Online Status?

Also got a call form Digicare (Sachin & Nilesh Prajapati) asking for Receipt before they Courier the Said card to me asking me what if some one latter present same receipt & ask for ANOTHER replacement? You are right here, but what if you refuse to ship me the replaced product or shipped damaged one or fake one (as you delete the online RMA status prior to I collect/received the product) after receiving receipt via courier.

Why are you in so hurry to delete all RMA STATUS & Records related to my card.

Your representative Gaurev Khanna offer me & instruct via mail CC to Digicare to Courier product at my place & as per Mr.Sachin at Digicare he (Gaurev Khanna) instruct him NOT TO ship product to customer without Receipt? So why all that propaganda to show you are so Customer Friendly?

My god you Kingston people are very very difficult to understand you just DON'T BELIEVE any customer, just like you had past experience that EACH & EVERY CUSTOMER looted/screwed you. One thing is sure that there is SOME (undisclosed) policy to deal with kingston customers who requires RMA.

Hope what you post here will act accordingly that will help all Kingston customers in future. Best Of Luck.
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