Storage Solutions Kingston's RMA Sucks big time. My 64GB SSD Failed and looks like I won't get it RMA'd

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I am not sure why Kingston sucks as a product and also in RMA'ing the drive. It failed in 2 weeks. That too while I was working. Suddenly the screen froze and it died.

I sent it to Chennai RMA centre and they are not giving a proper response in phone. They are just saying wait a few days for the past 2 weeks. No official confirmation about when I will receive it :@
Re: Kingston's RMA Sucks big time. My 64GB SSD Failed and looks like I won't get it R

There is a Kingston representative on the forum. PM him with your problem. He should be able to do something.
Re: Kingston's RMA Sucks big time. My 64GB SSD Failed and looks like I won't get it R

viralbug said:
There is a Kingston representative on the forum. PM him with your problem. He should be able to do something.

May I know his username?
Re: Kingston's RMA Sucks big time. My 64GB SSD Failed and looks like I won't get it R

^ even it does not help i already sent the mail to them and they reposed late dealy after i got replacement same ssd after 1 months and readily disappointment with Kingston brand so never buy anymore ;)
Re: Kingston's RMA Sucks big time. My 64GB SSD Failed and looks like I won't get it R

Upon some further research... every SSD fails now and then. See the 1 star reviews in amazon. OCZ, Intel, Corsair... everything fails at some point.

So far Intel 510 Series seems to be the most reliable.
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