As the thread title suggests i am looking to buy a new security solution but as i read KIS 2010 is just out. Now i don't want to invest in KIS 2009. What are the current prices of KIS 2010 and if anybody is using it then is that any better then KIS 2009.
You can upgrade for free with a 2009 license, all you have to do is uninstall 2009 completely, reboot and install 2010 with the same activationcode as you used on 2009.
IF the KIS packs are supplied in 3 user packs with single key and the seller gives the key to 3 buyers, suppose what will happen if any one of them uses the key?
I bought a KIS today from NP for 575. Though i did get a quote for 550 also but was too damm lazy to walk up to that shop again. And yes its a 3 user license pack.