Klite kpp not working


ever since I reinstalled XP, klite seems to have stopped working. I just get a perennial "connecting.." message. As best as I can tell, it was working fine b4 the reinstall.
I have v 2.4.3. Any suggestions?
For starters try this, not used for long time

  • Try the "panic button" (the little red "+") in KaZuperNodes
  • Ensure your firewall is correctly configered (Will need to allow ALL TCP and UDP connections for kazaa.core)
  • Try changing Kazaa's port (Anything >3500 usually works)
  • If behind a router, ensure ports are correctly forwarded (visit http://www.portforward.com for more information , you can also try our connection test to make sure your portforward has worked)
  • If behing a coperate firewall try connecting to supernodes at "port 80" (you may also need to use a HTTP tunnelling tool, but these are usuaully expensive or slow)

also is the latest version is 2.7 something ? if yes, update it

Check this site out

happens whenever i reinstall xp.. fiddle around a bit restart it now and then it begins to work again.. havent used it lately though.
Make sure you either configure Windows Firewall to allow traffic from Klite or disable it entirely if you have another firewall you use.