Lan Game In NFS UG2 ??

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hi Guyzz,
hav been trying to play U2 in lan ...hav connect 2 Pcs......prob is i always get the message that check if network cable is unplugged after a long time......but at the same ime i can play i dont think its a connx problem....
ny particular settings for the same....... :huh:

Help Appreciated :cool2:
same here.. been figuring out to get it working at a gaming cafe here.. BTW, rocky, are there any latest patches available?
Hey exactly r u trying to run the game on lan??

As far i can remember....u can easily play on the LAN(which i did on the hathway lan long time ago) nothing special is required....just create an account...ask some1 to create a game n log on to it....
Strange....many ppl r having this problem all over the world :P

Masky .. did u get urs solved ??

BTW will ny1 explain the above link plzz :cool2:
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