Laptop advice which can handle multiple OS...

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Hi frnds,
please suggest me a laptop mainly to be used for the following purpose-

1.Working on multiple OS.
2.Little bit gaming.
3.movies<good audio>
From Drivers perspective, I can say that a Thinkpad is a decent choice if it fits in your budget (starts at about 60k , the one at 65k should be good enough for your purposes)

Have a R61, works with XP,Vista,7,8,Ubuntu without any issues

Wont satisfy good audio though

Otherwise look into the professional series of other manufacturers, they should have decent driver support as well : Vostro,Latitude,etc (I'm just guessing this part, someone should confirm)
How's the acer timelinex 5830tg for the above mentioned purpose?
Users of the Timelinex please reply..

@Akash ..Thanks but Thinkpad is not in my budget.
Waiting for some other replies..Budget around 40K.

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