Laptops Laptop Battery replacement

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Hi Guys, my acer aspire 5738g laptop battery is discharging at a rapid rate after recharge.I am getting a error message flashed at the battery icon on the taskbar which says 'Consider replacing your battery' . So should I go in for a new battery or can I get this one repaired or something ? If there is no other option than to buy a new battery,which one should I opt for? a genuine one from acer (how much would it cost ?) or any fake ones from the grey markets will serve my purpose ?:huh:
How old is your laptop? Typically, the battery lasts for ~400-500 charging cycles, which depending on your usage is 1-2 years. Much before it dies, you'll see reduced battery life.

The original ones are a ripoff, whereas the OEM branded ones are variable in quality. For my HP laptop, I went for a substitute which cost me around 40% but was a 12 cell battery instead of a 6-cell battery. It has worked well for over a year, but sometimes when the load is too much (e.g. playing flash games), it is not able to cope and the laptop shuts down. So, in effect, I've resorted to just using it on power most of the time. My next purchase will definitely be the original battery.
Even I'm looking for a new 6 Cell Battery for Acer Aspire 5740G, I disabled the irritating Win7 'Consider replacing your battery' error message.

After ~ 1.5 years of use the original battery is now showing a wear level of 70%. Every time I do a full discharge and recharge wear level increases by 2% or more.

Guys need help here, as I dont have any idea about laptop batteries.

This is what I know -

1. Old batteries can be refurbished by replacing worn out cells, hence such batteries are available and look like new, how does one differentiate them from brand new ones ?

2. How much can I expect to get for returning my old battery ?

3. 3rd Party Batteries are available too so which good brands do you suggest ? my previous battery was a Sony one which are really bad, need a better battery that lasts longer.

4. Is it safe to buy a 3rd Party or Refurbished Battery ?

Please share your previous experiences regarding battery changes and replacement.

Thanks for replying :) I enquired at acer service centre today and I was told the original battery replacement will cost 4k and it is a 4 cell battery with a warranty of only 3 months!.Can I get a better deal than that? I don't want to go for a 3rd party replacement as I have come across people telling it will leak and cause a whole lot of other problems to the laptop.
Don't worry about third party batteries. I was bought one 6 month back for my Lenovo laptop from Ebay for only 1600/- and I am very happy with its performance it is still giving me 2:30-3 hrs backup performing better then OEM. You may go for non OEM one (if you want to save some bucks) but buy only from reputed sellers.
Sorry I dont know what 'OEM's are ,could you please throw some light on that ? and also do they leak and damage the laptop too? where can I find those specific batteries in Bangalore ?
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