laptop+ desktop cannot connect to internet simultaneously


hello all,

i am using BSNL UL625 Plan,
I have connected netgear Wifi router to provide the wifi connection to the Laptop and Huawei Modem o/p to connect to the Desktop.

i was able to surf the internet on laptop and dekstop simultaneously before i formatted the desktop. since then i am only able to connect to desktop and lappy simultaneously ..
can any one suggest me what to do..?

please help..
Didnt get your point. Just connect the modem to the Wan port of the router and you can either connect both desktop and laptop to the LAN ports on router or though wifi. See if that helps. And btw which router and modem is it? Isnt the Huawei one a modem cum router ? Is HDCP enabled in that one ? If not, then the second router wont be assigned an IP on WAN port, you have to provide a static one. please let us know.

Everything was working fine before i reinstalled the windows on desktop which is connected to Huwaei ADSL modem MTX 880.

since then i can only connect laptop by WIfi and desktop by Lan..

i am not able to figure out the problem yet.

Please help!!
Try this thing:

Get the mac address of your PC(for how to please google it)

Then take this Mac address and enter it in the mac address field box on the wan page of your router

Then try to connect to internet

Try this if it helps because even I cant fully understand your problem!!
vivek.krishnan said:
Reset the router. Also try to be more concise. None of use here have still understood the problem.


Why dont you use the router to connect both? whats this direct and indirect?