Laptop Needed : Budget 20-25K - Short on time

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#paarkhi Any user experience? How it's working with you or your friend now? Pros & Cons please.

Somewhere I read that though Fujitsu claim it's Made In Germany they user found Made In China on parts.

The build quality of Fujitsu is top notch (it's made in Germany instead of all this chinese crap), ordered 1 for a friend and still with me, if you want I can post some pics.
#paarkhi Any user experience? How it's working with you or your friend now? Pros & Cons please.

Somewhere I read that though Fujitsu claim it's Made In Germany they user found Made In China on parts.
Well the back of the laptop says It's made in Germany (Don't know about the parts) and it comes without OS so I installed win 8 64bit for my friend, its very smooth and due to onboard graphics the score is 4.4, gives more than 4 hours of battery life on moderate use. The laptop is with a friend now since 26th Dec 2012 and he is enjoying, can't say about the cons.

I think at this price it is surely VFM (specially 3 USB 3.0 ports)
2. Samsung NP300E5X @ ~27K (-ive No USB 3.0, +ive : 1+1 yr warranty i3 2370)

Comments about Samsung laptops would be well appreciated. :)
Samsung laptops are an excellent option. They (like Samsung mobiles) generally don't look very good but are excellent value for money. They have excellent battery life (some say the best among laptops) good after sales support (lots of Samsung Service centers in most cities and towns). Many of my friends own Samsung laptops and I am really impressed. Even though they came very late into the laptop market they have quickly made a reputation for themselves. The recent Samsung windows 8 ultrabook is a case in point. Its been receiving rave reviews and the price is very low for an ultra book !
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