Monitors LCD for movie watching


There are quite a few threads here for LCDs which I have already browsed, but most of them have either gaming or graphics work as their primary requirements. I am specifically looking at a LCD (widescreen) which is primarily going to be used for watching movies (so wide viewing angle is a major requirement) and only an occasional game (strategy/driving). I am not much into fast paced gaming (action/role playing).

Unfortunately, I also have a budget (maybe around 10K) so cannot splurge on this one. I am using a Leadtek 7600GS card having HDTV-out / Dual link DVI-I/ Single link DVI-I as the output

Also since my viewing is going to be more of widescreen movies, I'd prefer something which can play 720p movies (only if its in my budget)

I am from Mumbai.

Any recommendations ?
For 10k the best you could get would be a 19" widescreen TN Panel ... for movies a PVA or SIPS panel would be better, however it'll be way over your budget
You would get only 19" TN Panels for your budget of 10k and you can forget about wide viewing angles on those panels. Irrespective of specs stated by the manufacturers the viewing angles on TN Panels are pretty bad and from my own experience even at a deviation little above 25 deg from normal on either direction, the colors will start to look faded and a bit more deviation wil make the picture impossible to view.

TN panels give thier best only when viewed from directly in front of the monitor. If you want wide viewing angles then P-MVA and S-IPS are the way to go. If you are ready to compromise on the viewing angles and color reproduction, then you can go for the 19" TN Panels.
I was not aware that LCDs were so niche even in today's market. So, should I just not think of getting an LCD and stick with a CRT as I am going to watch a lot of movies on the monitor. I am also going to have a small TV (maybe a 21 incher) next to my comp (this is my bedroom setup). Would there be any way by which I can get a cheap TV (again around 10K) which can has DVI as the input ?
^ Trust me the 1930 aint a bad monitor. Go demo a piece and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Unless your into professional graphic design or image editing where extremely accurate colour reproduction is a must, you can happily buy TN !
Anish said:
^ Trust me the 1930 aint a bad monitor. Go demo a piece and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Unless your into professional graphic design or image editing where extremely accurate colour reproduction is a must, you can happily buy TN !

I am going to watch movies on this like a TV i.e. from a distance of 10 ft. If I have some more people watching the same movie, the viewing distance will screw things up for us isnt it ?
sunilyo said:
@ anish any idea how much the vg2030wm will cost?
Last time I checked it was ~14k

Kneo said:
I am going to watch movies on this like a TV i.e. from a distance of 10 ft. If I have some more people watching the same movie, the viewing distance will screw things up for us isnt it ?
10ft is way too much for any PC monitor below 24"
Kneo said:
I am going to watch movies on this like a TV i.e. from a distance of 10 ft. If I have some more people watching the same movie, the viewing distance will screw things up for us isnt it ?


10 FEET: :O

ON A 19"ER :S

better get some good binoculars also :bleh:
VG1930wm has much better angles than the VA1912/ better go for the height adjuetment & 360 degree swivel is a gr8 plus. Its costs arnd 11.5k all incl, whereas the VA1912w/VG1930wm(both w/o DVI) costs arnd 9500 all incl
Hey Kneo....

TN panels really aren't that bad...This whole panel thing is overhyped IMHO

For most users, the things that matter more are:

- Uniform backlight with no visible light bleeding from the bottom: This is perhaps the most critical requirement for a LCD that you plan to watch movies on.

Even the most accurate color reproduction would be useless if there is a band of white light on the bottom edge where you typically have the cropped black bands on movie

- The contrast ratio for a movie watching LCD needs to be as good as possible

- The viewing angles should be as good as possible in the available choices within your budget.

And before someone points out that IPS panels have better viewing angles, let me remind them IPS is only theoretically supposed to have better vieiwng angles and a good TN panel like Rahul's SDM 75 will have real viewing angles far better than a mediocre IPS panel

Do check out the 1930...and if you can up your budget a bit, the Samsung (is that 930 or 940?) 19"er seems pretty decent too

BTW a 19" should be watched from like 3-4 feet away...not 10

Dafreaking said:
Yep..but I think I'm getting that from the states

Sorry..forgot that you were on a budget..

WTF was that? How utterly useless a post