Monitors LCD for movie watching

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superczar said:
WTF was that? How utterly useless a post

Sorry for the "utterly useless" post.

To clarify..

A. I did forgot that the creator of the thread had specified a budget and so suggested the Dell, which could easily be a TV replacement.
B. I am getting that monitor a good 10,000 bucks cheaper than it is available here, so I was a bit over-excited about that fact.

I hope I have explained my "utterly useless" post..
Well, I guess u r getting the Dell 2407WFP-HC (High Color 92% gamut) one which is costing arnd 679USD according to site ( may be a bit less with rebate). That comes to arnd 28k , plus the trouble of lugging such abig piece.

Raghu is offering the same for 33k[See TE Hot Deaks] only 5k diff .

Hope your pants do not fall off seeing this :rofl:
Supra said:
Well, I guess u r getting the Dell 2407WFP-HC (High Color 92% gamut) one which is costing arnd 679USD according to site ( may be a bit less with rebate). That comes to arnd 28k , plus the trouble of lugging such abig piece.

Raghu is offering the same for 33k[See TE Hot Deaks] only 5k diff .

Hope your pants do not fall off seeing this :rofl:

Have seen Raghu's deal. Was gonna request him for one of those earlier, brother is coming back with no luggage at all..Getting the monitor would not be a problem for him..I just hope things work out come October...otherwise :@

And the only time my pants fall son, are when I want them too :P

(Sorry, now I just sound cocky!!)
Then nice dude...btw r u getting the 2407WFP-HC one for 23k :P( 550$)...I guess its the normal one not the HC

@Ank1t---I have used all the 19" Viewsonic models for sometime.Currently I have the VG1930wm in my setup.

Its something like

(Best) VG1930wm > VX1945wm > VA1912wb-3 > VA1930wm > VA1912w (worst :P)
@ supra checked out the specs of VG1930wm on their european site as well as the indian one. some of the specs are different like viewing angles... is it possible or may i ask which one is correct???

secondly which one do you think can be the nearest samsung model when compared to this one.
sunilyo said:
@ supra checked out the specs of VG1930wm on their european site as well as the indian one. some of the specs are different like viewing angles... is it possible or may i ask which one is correct???

sunilyo said:
secondly which one do you think can be the nearest samsung model when compared to this one.
Samsung 940BW , there's also a 940NW but it's got no DVI
All the TN panels are usually rated at 160/160 at CR>10...but they differ a lot in their actual angles from panel to panel. So better is to check it out before buying.

Samsung 940Bw seems to have sort of disappeared in the market. It costed arnd 12k
superczar said:
And before someone points out that IPS panels have better viewing angles, let me remind them IPS is only theoretically supposed to have better vieiwng angles and a good TN panel like Rahul's SDM 75 will have real viewing angles far better than a mediocre IPS panel

Which is this SDM 75 ? Brand and exact model please
Kneo said:
Which is this SDM 75 ? Brand and exact model please

its a sony as superczar said ...... i got it for 14k in dec 06' i guess ......

it has very good viewing angle ..... never found any problem with viewing angle no matter from where i am looking at it ........ picture quality and color reproduction is also good ...... i know its a TN but all i care about is quality :P ......
Rahul said:
it has very good viewing angle ..... never found any problem with viewing angle no matter from where i am looking at it ........ picture quality and color reproduction is also good ...... i know its a TN but all i care about is quality :P ......

wow that's news ... any more details on type of TN panel used with the sony ?? and how are the angles on the 22" Dell TN ??
Just go for a TN panel man. You aren't a discerning user AFAICT, it will make less of a difference than most people here are harping about. Just look for 19-inch WS. I have used a 940BW and its decent. ViewSonic also has a good model in the 1930wm though I've never personally used em.

The best in non TN is the vx2025wm. The bad thing is they're only two of them for sale and I've taken one...:P
i watch mainly movies , and i manage to do so on a TN panel without any issues make sure you get comfy in the front . the best thing you can do is look for a TN panel that swivels up down nicely and if possible with adjustable height .

and no matter where you are sitting ( just not too far ) viewing angles shouldn't be a problem . remember if you cant go to the water , make the mater come to you :)
SharekhaN said:
i watch mainly movies , and i manage to do so on a TN panel without any issues make sure you get comfy in the front . the best thing you can do is look for a TN panel that swivels up down nicely and if possible with adjustable height .

and no matter where you are sitting ( just not too far ) viewing angles shouldn't be a problem . remember if you cant go to the water , make the mater come to you :)

Looks like I will personally have to look at it somewhere before finalizing. Thanks anyways guys.
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