LCD/LED TV + Speakers + Media player <= 65K INR

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Molar Police
Staff member
Budget: Not more than 65K INR (for all 3 items)

1. Screen size:
The bigger the better :P
2. Viewing distance:
8 ft - 10 ft​
3. Sources/inputs such as HD DTH/consoles/stand-alone media players etc.:
Airtel HD DTH; Media player (to be bought; details below); PS4 (when it releases :P)​
4. Preference for plasma TV/LCD TV/LED-LCD TV:
Not really sure. Anything with a gorgeous display with brilliant colors.​
5. Preference for brands:
6. Willing to purchase it from the grey market?
7. Ambient lighting conditions of the room:
There is a window directly opposite to the TV, but it has dark curtains.​
8. Any other feature you are looking for such as 3D support on the HDTV, DLNA capabilities etc.:
3D is not needed; full HD is a must. USB playback is not needed, as I will use a media player with the TV.​

Media player:
I have decided on the Asus O Play Mini for media playback. Unless something else is better VFM, I will stick to this one only.

I have zero idea about this one. Not looking for a 5.1 setup. A set of bookshelf speakers should suffice my needs. I will be listening to songs, and watching HD movies and sports. Nothing too expensive or exotic. Just a decent set needed (Circle Arko 80W, maybe?)

Note: I will be making the purchase sometime in late July only, may be before the Olympics. I can wait a little if needed.
@adder @Gannu Need your inputs here.
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Doc, you can chuck the idea of getting a media player completely, if you can get hold of a Samsung HDTV since these units will play most media formats without the need for a media player. At least it hasn't failed me on this aspect yet! Can you check the local retail outlets if the previous year's models are available? The LA40D550 is a good model to start with. It is an LCD unit not LED and offers good connectivity over this year's models as well. For instance, the newer 5 series LED lineup offers only 2 HDMI and 1 USB inputs for basic models other than the usual inputs compared to 4 HDMI and 2 USB ports which were offered in the last year's lineup.

As for speakers, the Circle Arko is a good pair of entry level bookshelves esp. for music. It is essentially a rebranded Microlabs Solo unit with the rest of the specs, drivers and innards being the same. I got hold of a 80W pair for a friend here from eBay and performs exceedingly well for the price it came for - some 7k tops. You may be able to source this unit for cheap at the Landmark outlets if they still have the stock i.e. Please note that these bookshelves are good and much more practical at nearfield listening. The farther you sit away from these units, some of the notes tend to die away and the soundstage worsens. So in case, you sit say 10 ft away from the display, consider something else like a basic 5.1 unit with at least 1 digital input instead. The 5.1 unit wouldn't perform as good as these Arkos for music but you can always force the unit into stereo mode for music listening.

Let's see what adder/Arun has to say on this. TBH I haven't demoed many LCD units recently.
I wanted a media player only 'cause that would give me the option to check out the Sonys and the Panasonics. Of course, if I do end up getting a Samsung, the media player will be crossed out from the list. Haven't really visited the local showrooms. Would be doing that hopefully by next weekend.
For speakers, I'm not really interested in a 5.1 setup. Too much of wires and a naughty kid at home is the perfect recipe for disaster. In fact, I'm wondering if even the bookshelves are a good idea.

What would be my options if I intend to spend the entire budget on just the TV. Maybe somewhere down the line, I can add the speakers. The inbuilt speakers in a TV surely aren't that bad, right? Also, I have Creative SBS370 2.1 PC speakers from my previous desktop setup (it is close to 4 yrs old, but has been sparingly used and still works absolutely fine). Would that be enough for a few months?
if you do not intend to spend on speakers and media player you can opt for the samsung 46D550. size be damned . after about one or two months all sizes reagardless would look small. so bettter get a 46 incher.also with a 46 incher there is a higher probability of getting a SQ panel so all the better.
My friend is planning to import 20 pieces of 60" Plasma mostly of Samsung with 1 year international warranty. Cost is approx Rs: 43000/- inclusive of customs.
logistopath said:
I wanted a media player only 'cause that would give me the option to check out the Sonys and the Panasonics.

Fair enough. Do consider Philips units as well. The Philips panels have a very nice looking brushed bezel (Aluminium me thinks) at the bottom of the panel. Besides, IPS panels have improved over time.

logistopath said:
What would be my options if I intend to spend the entire budget on just the TV. Maybe somewhere down the line, I can add the speakers. The inbuilt speakers in a TV surely aren't that bad, right? Also, I have Creative SBS370 2.1 PC speakers from my previous desktop setup (it is close to 4 yrs old, but has been sparingly used and still works absolutely fine). Would that be enough for a few months?

Not a bad idea actually. You should get a bigger panel IMO. 40 incher will look small sometime down the line - trust me I feel the same now after 2 years. :P

The inbuilt speakers aren't bad but they aren't really great either. You can however enjoy the occasional movies and soaps without much issues. You can add the 2.1 speakers through the line-out port.
Okay.. I'm going through that phase of confusion that anyone who plans to buy a LCD/LED/Plasma tv will go through. The infinite number of models from the lead players makes the job of arriving at a decision very difficult.

Back to square one - plasma or lcd? Going through online content, I've been lead to believe that plasmas offer excellent picture quality compared to lcds/leds. To me, media playback is not much of a concern. I can always connect my laptop via HDMI and play all formats. I have my eyes on the Panasonic 42ST30 (might cost around 60K, I believe). What advantages will the 46D550 offer compared to this set, other than the increased real estate?

I do realize though that most of the confusion arises from the fact that I have not yet seen any of these TVs in person. I will be doing so within the next couple of days. Maybe then, it would be clear if I prefer screen size vs picture quality (if it is true that plasmas are better).
@adder: Even in the 46D550 there is panel lottery, right?
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Well compared to the ST30 its bigger,its better at daytime higher perceived contrast and if there is lots of glare the lcd can defeat it with high brightness potential ,no worry about burn IN or a very long IR when you are gaming,lower power consumption.The 46" version do not have a panel lottery.

Now the plasma does have the edge in blacks,but that can be noticeable only in night time ,compared to the D550 it does have higher motion resolution but whether one can actually perceive the increased motion resolution is subjective.It also has wider viewing angle.

I would still go with the 46"D550 considering your criteria in the first post.
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