Monitors LCD Monitor Screen Protector available?

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Hi guys,

I had recently posted about having bought a Samsung 940BW. I have fallen in love with the monitor. Its just too good.

Now comes the problem. I live in a 3 BHK with 7 other guys and they are touching the LCD screen, forgetting to cover the monitor after use and making it dirty with dust and grime. :@

I tried to plead, but to no avail.

I recently had the panel alone replaced since there was a defect on the top left quadrant and the Samsung service centre here in pune was very prompt and rendered excellent service.

And now, before the screen becomes chock full of dirt and fingerprints again.... I'd like to do something about it....

One of my friends suggested that I buy a screen protector....

Are screen protectors for 19 inch WS LCD available in Pune / Mumbai?

If anyone knows a place, please please gimme a contact no of that place....

I am on a very tight budget and I mean to use this monitor for the next 5 or 6 years atleast.... :(
^^ ur crazy dude. This site dosen't have anything for protecting lcd monitors, just lcd screens for mobile phones.:@
Looks like rtekwani is a bot / spammer?

Btw, I checked out

There is screen protector for 15 inch laptop screen there and it costs 900 + 100 Rs shipping.

I contacted the seller and he said upto 17 in Screen protectors were available.

He said he would get back to me with details of 19 inch screen protectors, but it seems he has conveniently forgotten about it :no:

I saw an 18 inch screen protector in some foreign site and it was 60$ including shipping :S

The screen protector I am talking about is not the "radiation shield" thingie u see on CRT's.

I mean the stuff u see on expensive pocket PC's which sticks to the surface using air pressure. :)
I have mailed

Its nice to see that they have a centre in pune.

Hoping for the best.

Will keep everyone updated. :)
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