Monitors LCD versus CRT

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guys i have a question... y ppls say crt's are better for gaming/watching movies than lcd/tft 's.
lcd's have a slower response time in the basic models the ones that can be used for gaming are quite expensive (with good response times). Now basic crts support high resolutions with good refresh rates.
yep we dont get good LCDs like 2005/2405fpw here.

Otherwise i would have gone for LCD. If i go for LCD i want it to be 3ms widescreen DVI, nothing less will do.

Unfortunately we dont have it here.
3ms is just Grey to Grey, even in the best LCD's and Colours are 8ms :bleh:.. So i dunno how itll help!

Grey spots any1? :P
i willl say CRT .... till date i haven't seen any LCD that has same capabilities as CRT .....
Chaos said:
LCD. The reason being it doesnt cause damage to eyes like a CRT.
I find that a CRT isn't as stressful as you think. You have to get used to it. And the better ones like the SS 19 and 21 inch ones...are really good (these I have used). Also @ a high refresh rate fo 100Hz your eyes shouldn't complain. And you can view from say 2 feet, shouldn't cause too much strain.
Radiation amounts are miniscule so what's the problem? ;)
Good luck finding a gfx card which will suport a 100 Hz refresh rate, at a high resolution and colour depth, while playing games you will probably have problems.
KingKrool said:
Good luck finding a gfx card which will suport a 100 Hz refresh rate, at a high resolution and colour depth, while playing games you will probably have problems.
Naa anything with a 400MHz RAMDAC can do that, right down to the fx5200.
yeah chaos is right anything with 400Mhz ramdac can do max 240Mhz refresh rate altho max is 2048 x 1536 x 32bit@85 Hz .......
They are two different things.For movies I would pick LCD because of its constrast and its acceptable responds time the companies have got them down to.For fast gaming I would pick CRT because it does not require a very good picture and constrast,only speed.
I had a FX5200, i remember it couldnt do even 1280*1024 @ 85Hz.

Well, i have a 5200 :/.. On my Old PC. :).
goldenfrag said:
I had a FX5200, i remember it couldnt do even 1280*1024 @ 85Hz.
Well, i have a 5200 :/.. On my Old PC. :).
Probably your monitor was limiting it to 1280x1024@60Hz. What monitor did you have? 5200 can do 2048x1536@85Hz. Hell even onboard displays can do it but u'll get pathetic image quality.
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