Monitors LCD vs CRT monitor


hi guys,

I am new here.

I want to take a 20"/22" monitor but cant decide lcd or crt. I heard lcds are not good in front of crt.

Budget- 18k

Use- mostly for Gaming(like cnc3, farcry1n2, cod4, nfsps, gta4, sims3, fifa08,cricket08,blic2007,ghostrecon) then internet surfing,little work.

please help.
At the size you want, it's better to go the LCD way unless you're into graphics or something like that.
The main problem is with the 17 inchers. Decent 17 inch LCDs are hard to find and are not VFM. At 19 inches or more, the LCD segment gets interesting with many options.
Check out other threads on the same. There are many recommendations. Wait for someone to post links to them.
For gaming an internet you can just go in with good TN panel LCDs...

E228WFP Dell...Forget CRTs...

Oh and pair it with a decent card....
^^^ Get LCD ... and it will definitely perform better than your CRT. Specially if you get a S-ips or a P-MVA panel.

These panel types are eevn better than CRT (my personal opinion)

Go ahead with LCD .. as these days refresh rates are very good. .. CRT's are good if you are into serious photo editing biz .. in that case you can get NEC Ezio series anyway.

Think of future .. LCD .. save power too :)
dcoolguy said:
I have heard abt motion blurs in lcd. does it happen in lcd ?

It depends on the panel n ur eyes.. :)
only quick eyes can spot possible motion blur. So it wont be a problem.

atleast mine doesnt blur.