Learning C++

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Then you need to have done C++ in 9th and 10th like i did :P And I was 2nd in my class in comp :P Lol dunno really, i just followed Sumita Arora and whatever else the teacher taught in class.
C++ is a language that cannot be learnt from any programming book. That is the truth of it. It doesn't have the library that Java does, but that is the whole thing. C++ professionals build up those libraries, and then those libraries are uber sexy.

The best bet you have is to use some general book (like Herbert Schildt's stuff) for C++, and then top it up with Stroustrup's book - which will take you a couple of years at least (I am not exaggerating there - it actually does take 2 years to get all that in your head. I have never quite managed it).
seriously, programming is a skill that gets sharper with usage. instead of nosing through books, i seriously recommend that you actually do some programming instead of outsourcing your homework to TE :P
if you really want to be a cut above the rest - do some meditation with "The C++ programming language" by Bjarne Stroustrop.
Here is a short list for you, from level beginner to advanced in order: -

1. C++ Primer Plus, 5th Ed. - Stephen Prata
2. Accelerated C++ - Andrew Koenig
3. Essential C++ - Stanley Lippman
4. C++ Primer, 4th Ed. - Stanley Lippman
5. The C++ Standard Library - Josuttis
6. The C++ Programming Language, 3rd or Special Ed - Stroustrup

More advanced: -

Essential C++, and More Essential C++ - Scott Meyers
Exceptional C++, and More Exceptional C++ - Herb Sutter

I also recommend "Thinking in C++" by Bruce Eckel, which is freely downloadable.

And, don't rely on the ancient Turbo C++ for learning, especially from new books ...since it doesn't comply with the ANSI/ISO C++ 1998 standards.

There are many free C and C++ compilers available for both Linux and Windows: -
Linux - GCC (g++), Intel C++ etc
Windows - MinGW/Cygwin, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express, Borland C++ free commandline tools, Borland Turbo C++ Explorer (new, based on C++ Builder) - Turbo Downloads

You should work with at least two different compilers to ensure portability of the programs.
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