Here is a short list for you, from level beginner to advanced in order: -
1. C++ Primer Plus, 5th Ed. - Stephen Prata
2. Accelerated C++ - Andrew Koenig
3. Essential C++ - Stanley Lippman
4. C++ Primer, 4th Ed. - Stanley Lippman
5. The C++ Standard Library - Josuttis
6. The C++ Programming Language, 3rd or Special Ed - Stroustrup
More advanced: -
Essential C++, and More Essential C++ - Scott Meyers
Exceptional C++, and More Exceptional C++ - Herb Sutter
I also recommend "Thinking in C++" by Bruce Eckel, which is freely downloadable.
And, don't rely on the ancient Turbo C++ for learning, especially from new books ...since it doesn't comply with the ANSI/ISO C++ 1998 standards.
There are many free C and C++ compilers available for both Linux and Windows: -
Linux - GCC (g++), Intel C++ etc
Windows - MinGW/Cygwin, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express, Borland C++ free commandline tools, Borland Turbo C++ Explorer (new, based on C++ Builder) -
Turbo Downloads
You should work with at least two different compilers to ensure portability of the programs.