Mac OS Learning programming on a Mac.

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So I am starting out to learn programming on a Mac. I have 'no' previous knowledge about what and how, or any of those terms.

I'm starting with C.

Is it a stupid decision?

Some resources if you can help.
Start with the absolute basics..C is a good way to get started..Then learn the basic OOP concepts..Once you think you are good with that, you can start with is an excellent resource to start of with! Also you MUST get "BecomeanXcoder" pdf which is a free tutorial released by someone! Dont have the link right now, but google it and you should get it :)
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First you should get an IDE to ease things. Apple recommends and supplies XCODE which you can use for Carbon C/C++, Cocoa and Java programming. With respect to C/C++ Programming it just acts as a GUI over GCC and GDB.

I would recommend XCODE 2.5. Although the latest version of XCODE is 3.x which includes quite a number of additional features over 2.5, its bloody unstable, So stick to 2.5 if you don't want to run into problems. XCODE includes quite a number of templates for app creation.

If you want to start with C programming, you will find a template to create a Carbon based C app. Select that proceed with the wizard and it will generate all the necessary code for a simple app that creates a blank dialog with a menu. You can use this as your starting place. The UI resources are stored in the form of a .nib file and its editable through the app Interface Builder.

As for the API's, check this link for the reference

Carbon Reference Library

you can use any of those API's listed under the various sections. The documentation is detailed enough for most of the API, so you should not have problems using them.
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That was helpful! But complicated..

I think you guys interpreted it differently.
I want to learn programming 'ON a Mac' , not 'FOR a Mac'.

What's all this Cocoa, Carbon, xcode.. ? :D

I just want to learn basic C programming, the way they teach you in schools/colleges. Just to be able to understand some stuff when people discuss about it.
For Windows, I know about Turbo C from Borland. But what for Mac OS?
Pop in Your MAC OS DVD, Install XCode... (Ya You need that To program on mac)

Then Launch XCode and Create a New Project,

To prgram C++ Go to Command Line Utility-->C++ Tool.

Write your Program in The main.cpp

AFAIK C Program too should work..... :S
If it's just C/C++ programming that you want to do , don't install that bloated Xcode. Just get macports and install gcc and use Vim for coding.
Smith said:
If it's just C/C++ programming that you want to do , don't install that bloated Xcode. Just get macports and install gcc and use Vim for coding.

+1 to that, if you just want to try your hand at simple C/C++ programming, then don't use XCODE for that. XCODE is indeed quite bloated takes a massive chunk of memory when its running. I recommended XCODE only because its templates and auto completion feature comes handy if your want to explore Carbon/Cocoa programming.

You can always type out your programs in any editor of your choice and then just use GCC and GDB for compilation and debugging. I myself prefer to use GDB directly over debugging the app through XCODE. btw, GCC and GDB are bundled as part of the XCODE package too.
^ Heh. Not much. :D
Will look into your link as soon as I get back on my Mac.

So that stuff is there in the Mac OS DVD that came with my MacBook?
I have the guides, eBooks for 'C'. All I would need is a no-hassles Compiler and a Manual for that.
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